Hey guys in about a month or so... apple will publish our app! It's called CastleClash and when it comes out, be sure to check back in for promo codes..
@iBR: Glad to see you have a good sense of humor! Look forward to seeing your game when you release it. And welcome to the forums (if your new...maybe you've been lurking or maybe you recently changed your avatar/username!?).
hey sry guys... apple rejected it cuz it kept on crashing wen u load the start game button...:(... but on the bright side... we have an app "In Review" right now called Racoon Pinball!! so be sure 2 check back for promo codes..!
If you cant optimize it down enough you could restrict it to 3GS and touch 3rd gen. When you publish in GS > advanced options there is a tick box to limit to armv7, check that and publish. When submitting back with apple tick the box that says you have restrictions. Thats if you've obviously tested on a 3GS and it works fine.
i've tested it on a 1st gen ipod and an ipad... none of them worked... but i submitted it to apple either way.. ( i don't know what they tested the game on but it crashed on them too)...
@mrfunkleberry: lol!