How to make it so when some actors collide with floor 3 times, the game will end? (change scene)
in Tech Support
if any three actors collide with the floor 3 times, i want the game to end.. how to do that? thanks!
Hi @justinodunn One way: make an integer attribute, lets call it NumColl, leave it at 0 to start.
--Adding to your collide rule:
Rule: When actor overlaps or collides with actor of type floor
Rule: When NumColl
Change Attribute NumColl to NumColl+1
---end game sequence, whoever you have, maybe:
Change scene Game over
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Sure, make your actor to display the number of times, place it on-screen; and in its Rules put a Display Text behaviour.
Then via the expression editor, select NumCol as its value. :-)
Btw, have you gone through the GS manual, Justin? you can pick up a lot of tips and tricks from it. Can be found under Help tab at the top of this page. Good luck!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain