Icon - Fill the space you have with your tower, currently there is a tiny tower surrounded by nothing, it makes it hard to see the tower.
Instructions screen - Try and make the text a bit clearer, its quite hard to read how it is.
I think you should try and get a 'floor' that seemlessly integrates with itself, currently you can see where the image is being looped.
There doesn't seem to be a score ... i just seemed to go along a bit and then for some reason would 'fail' with no score! Scores keep the user coming back so they can always try and better themselves.
Guidance - I know i was supposed to get to the next tower, however, if i tried to move away from the vertical line i would fail. Am i supposed to follow the vertical line? Also, if i wasnt continuosly shooting i'd seem to fail yet i couldnt see nothing shooting me!
Change of scene - Try and build the start (3,2,1 Ready?) into the start of the game. As it is currently you get the countdown, then it changes scene. It would be better if it goes straight to the game, 3,2,1, Ready? and then you move .. no change scene. You could easily add a timer to your actors that say after x amount of seconds, then they behave as they should. Then any rules would not be in play, the 3,2,1, Ready? would appear and then you start playing, no change scene.
Most of these are relatively easy changes and would greatly improve your game, keep working at it, hope these suggestions help
I tried your game and have a few suggestions;
Icon - Fill the space you have with your tower, currently there is a tiny tower surrounded by nothing, it makes it hard to see the tower.
Instructions screen - Try and make the text a bit clearer, its quite hard to read how it is.
I think you should try and get a 'floor' that seemlessly integrates with itself, currently you can see where the image is being looped.
There doesn't seem to be a score ... i just seemed to go along a bit and then for some reason would 'fail' with no score! Scores keep the user coming back so they can always try and better themselves.
Guidance - I know i was supposed to get to the next tower, however, if i tried to move away from the vertical line i would fail. Am i supposed to follow the vertical line? Also, if i wasnt continuosly shooting i'd seem to fail yet i couldnt see nothing shooting me!
Change of scene - Try and build the start (3,2,1 Ready?) into the start of the game. As it is currently you get the countdown, then it changes scene. It would be better if it goes straight to the game, 3,2,1, Ready? and then you move .. no change scene. You could easily add a timer to your actors that say after x amount of seconds, then they behave as they should. Then any rules would not be in play, the 3,2,1, Ready? would appear and then you start playing, no change scene.
Most of these are relatively easy changes and would greatly improve your game, keep working at it, hope these suggestions help