My New game Clearence!
This is a Prototype. Please comment! Description: You have a limited amount of time to destroy buildings. Then a Blimp comes across and you don't want to let the blimp to hit a building or a cannon ball. This is a Prototype, so there are only 4 levels for the concept. Please tell me what you think! Click the "Plane" button to send the blimp early.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
I disagree with Stan. I like the quick pace, and could see myself hitting the plane button a lot on an actual iDevice. If you do slow it down, limit the number of shots the player can fire to increase the planning required for each level.
The name is a little indirect. I would go with something like "low fly zone".
If you want to get some (possibly bad) press, you could add a World Trade Center level...
Add the blinky lights you see at the tops of large buildings!
That's all I got so far. Good luck!