What projects are everone working on????
Are you guys currently working on games
or updating them? How long do you spend? Let's just talk about what projects your currently working and good ideas about games
or updating them? How long do you spend? Let's just talk about what projects your currently working and good ideas about games

Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I'm working on too many projects! 2 platformers right now are sucking up all my time, one of which is like Zombieville USA too, but very different main character and enemies
...and I've been pondering a... [CLASSIFIED] ...project.
At the moment i'm working on saladgamers.com, but when i'm done with that i'll be back to my football game. I've left it for a bit now, feels painful to return, it's turned into a bit of a beast. Sometimes i feel like just handing it over to someone to finish, but i'm far to precious for that.
How many of you have projects too bloated to return to?
Right now, these are my GameSalad development problems...
(ranked in order of severity, worst first)
1) Limitations of GameSalad (Terrible load times, no clear roadmap, beta software issues.)
2) Lack of motivation from pitiful App Store sales. (I made far more money with Android.)
3) Artwork licensing is too expensive for me right now. (That puts my bigger projects on-hold.)
So I'll just go ahead and be a publicity whore! Anyone want a promo? email me at:
dan [at] sciTunes [dot] com
I also have an angry birds type game on the back burner and a UFO top down racing game as well. It'll probably be a while though...
I've been adding more levels/bomb types/monster types (with special abilities).
Then I have a game similar to 'Coast Defense' well on its way.
The third is an odd mix of bird strike/physics puzzler (def still WIP)
My side project is a zombie game as well... Seems like everyone is doing one of those lol
My friend and I has been working on this drift racing game the past 3 months. We are very close to a release, hopefully within the next 14 days...
Here's a link to our (not finished) website with some screenshots: www.driftnburngame.com
I am hot sure that can be accomplished with the actual version of gs : (
I am tired, I spend one year, spending a lot money in resources, music, sprites, effects, the license of torque TGB2D for the iphone (that NEVER run well on the device, MONTHS of waisted TIME!, please do not purchase this @#¢&*! products!), books, training videos, my macbook pro, the iphone, an ipod touch too, puff, puff and now I hope that gs someday have all that I need to recover my motivation.
Maybe a good solution is that butterbean give me her pass to E3, please!!!! I steel play with N64 mario64, mario kart and Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask!!!! ; ))P
I have no idea if GS will be capable enough to handle this project or if I ever will be able to finish it, but I still give it a try.
What helps a lot is this community and all the advice of the pros here.
You can find some artwork for 1 of my games right here and if anyone needs graphics work, email me.
The first game is a "space" title where you are flying around a little ship (better description when its released).
Next one is a monster eating game and the 3rd one is a classic "Simon" type game but it is nearly impossible to program in GS.
Good idea for a thread.
Also working on iZone and iZone HD which is a hand and eye co-ordination game being ported from the windows version http://www.yoyogames.com/games/27893-izone
And finally Dead Siege which is a defence game where you have to protect your king against zombies by creating walls, turrets and soldiers.
other times in art, sometimes in marketing, web site, icon to the app store, etc. Three other people are working with me, a music composer, a creator of sound effects and a creator of
interfaces. I do gamedesign, level design, animations.
Best regards to all!
Marcos Riffel
I've been wanting to do a 'zelda' type game play as well...but not quite sure, I think it'll be too time consuming to get a the bits and puzzle pieces put together, but we'll see. Grahpics (which r not my forte) will have to be decent as well...then again, the 8bit idea doesn't sound that bad.
I'll wait what y'all do in that 'rpg' area to not step on anybody's toes.
Yes, I *am* immature :P
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io