Trouble with a certain kind of movement
Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I am using the windows version so it may be. I have an actor that I want to "glide" across the screen in some sort. I would like it to slowly start moving in a random direction slow down after a few seconds and come to a complete stop, wait maybe 3 - 5 seconds and repeat this. I have tried a few different things using the timer. I set the timer for 5 seconds, use the "move" (direction is random from 0 to 360) and repeat the process every 5 seconds. I realize this is definitely not how it should be. It just starts out with the speed I set (50) waits 5 seconds and just turns going the same speed. I am brand new to GameSalad and would just like a little help on this.
Thank you for taking the time.
Thank you for taking the time.
Timer every 5 seconds. (Put all the code below in this timer)
Timer for .5 seconds
Timer after 2 seconds
Change attribute. self.motion.linear velocity. X To 0
Change attribute. self.motion.linear velocity Y To 0
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