GameSalad Holiday Schedules

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199
edited December 2013 in GameSalad Kitchen
Happy Holidays Folks!

GameSalad will be taking it easy starting tomorrow (Dec. 20) through the New Year (January 1). We'll be back in full force on January 2.

Don't fret!

A few of us will be keeping an eye (or two) on the forums in case you need us, the rest of us will be taking a long winter's nap.

What this means is that we won't be releasing any more bleeding edge / nightly builds until after the first of the year.

Responses to tickets will take a bit longer (our on call CS rep will be checking once a day, but he won't be able to help with any really difficult problems).

May the end of the year
bring you lots of cheer
and we look forward to seeing
what games you create in the next year!



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