Nice!! @lycettebros Just also one thing does anyone know if the limit has been reached?
No mention of any numbers. I have to say though the process was worth it and GameSalad did everything they said and even in my case provided me with a Tizen ready file. Really excellent.
I submitted my first around the 12th. So I mite get it soon did you also get your pro? @lycettebros Also I finnaly got to submit two of my other apps to tizen. They'll be either accepted or denied within 4 days most likely. Do you reckon I'll have time to submit them for the rewards?
@reginald.bernardin I am in Australia and found it in the morning in my inbox. It came in at 9.20 local Australian time. I am ahead here so you might see some payments in the USA soon?
Yeah, all three of mine were approved and submitted to GameSalad before the 9th, including one back in December. Clearly the payments aren't going out on a first-come-first-served basis
I have a horrible feeling this promotion is going to leave a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths.
Particularly with this "if your app was on the app store before the promotion started, you probably get hundreds of dollars more than someone who submitted it after".
There are probably a ton of Tizen apps waiting for approval that won't be eligible because the total will have been reached.
I imagine a cascade of apps being removed from the Tizen store when people feel burned and don't want to support another platform for no real benefit.
I was invited to submit my App directly from GS. They targeted some specific Apps that have performed well. The first email I got about it was from StraightSaladShooter (bless him) months and months ago so there have been plans underway for a long time.
My invitation was likely separate from the general promotion.
The lack of response to people about the difference between the $50 incentive and the $500+ incentives is concerning though. The assumption is that if you didn't get an email, you're only getting $50. Seems so arbitrary.
I think it is very early days to be concerned. Look at it this way. A payment is a good sign!
I like the promotion. I really like that GS did something really positive in getting money for developers (and of course themselves) - it creates ALOT of goodwill and positive energy.
I like the promotion. I really like that GS did something really positive in getting money for developers (and of course themselves) - it creates ALOT of goodwill and positive energy.
Right now if you aren't a big name it's creating more tension and uncertainty than anything
Nice!! @lycettebros Just also one thing does anyone know if the limit has been reached?
No mention of any numbers. I have to say though the process was worth it and GameSalad did everything they said and even in my case provided me with a Tizen ready file. Really excellent.
how did you go about notifing them your app was approved people are saying over email but what email?
@Hipster_Owl_Studios - They no longer accept email. Go back to your game's publishing/portfolio page and click on the Incentives tab. See instructions below!!
@Hipster_Owl_Studios I followed the process in the guidelines…I sent the email but also entered the data requested in the new INCENTIVES section on my publish page for the App.
I just checked the Incentives tab and it still says the old message "Waiting for Confirmation and Payment."….??
@hipster_owl_studios the incentives page is part of the appbackr promotion. Originally they had asked for an email with certain information, but after people started using the Tizen store it was discovered that the information wasn't the easiest to find. A week or so after the promotion started they switched to the incentives page in the publishing portal. What @lycettebros is talking about is part of a different promotion where they selected 20 top GS apps to be published to tizen as part of a showcase. They approached people about this starting last spring.
@Hipster_Owl_Studios I followed the process in the guidelines…I sent the email but also entered the data requested in the new INCENTIVES section on my publish page for the App.
I just checked the Incentives tab and it still says the old message "Waiting for Confirmation and Payment."….??
We all need to be patient. It is going to take sometime to process all these. Just think about it at some point, probably soon, they will reach the 1000 app target so that means there will be 1000 payments to send. I suspect there will be only one or two people doing this work so if it was you how long would it take you to process 1000 payments assuming you were not doing any other work at all.
I don't think anyone is riled up. That's not really a fair assessment. I've not seen any anger directed at GameSalad or anyone else for that matter. Just worry.
The problem is that there is so much uncertainty and confusion - for most of us at least :P There are a lot of legitimate questions that haven't been answered, and people are still working on apps that they're submitting with no clue if they'll be eligible. People don't like feeling that things are unfair or uncertain.
Ok... the end of January already came and I still don't see any credits and funds for the game apps which I submitted even in the middle of December to Tizen. Is it possible to get some more information on our payments? Is it going to be in this month or in February? Please provide us more information. Thanks
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Also I finnaly got to submit two of my other apps to tizen. They'll be either accepted or denied within 4 days most likely. Do you reckon I'll have time to submit them for the rewards?
When did you get your payment today?
I got the Pro too @CodeMonster
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Particularly with this "if your app was on the app store before the promotion started, you probably get hundreds of dollars more than someone who submitted it after".
There are probably a ton of Tizen apps waiting for approval that won't be eligible because the total will have been reached.
I imagine a cascade of apps being removed from the Tizen store when people feel burned and don't want to support another platform for no real benefit.
Hopefully not though
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
I was invited to submit my App directly from GS. They targeted some specific Apps that have performed well. The first email I got about it was from StraightSaladShooter (bless him) months and months ago so there have been plans underway for a long time.
My invitation was likely separate from the general promotion.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Look at it this way. A payment is a good sign!
I like the promotion. I really like that GS did something really positive in getting money for developers (and of course themselves) - it creates ALOT of goodwill and positive energy.
But you are right, any payment is a good sign!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
(For the record it was not my intention)
See instructions below!!
I just checked the Incentives tab and it still says the old message "Waiting for Confirmation and Payment."….??
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The problem is that there is so much uncertainty and confusion - for most of us at least :P There are a lot of legitimate questions that haven't been answered, and people are still working on apps that they're submitting with no clue if they'll be eligible. People don't like feeling that things are unfair or uncertain.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left