ILuvGameSalad magazine
I see that back in October 2011 someone else had a similar idea to develop a community based monthly magazine for GameSalad. As far as I'm able to tell this was never completed. I'm now in the process of developing a magazine called ILuvGameSalad for release in January 2014. Clearly for this to be a success I need contributors to the magazine especially if I going to make this free or a low cost of less than $5 per month.
The magazine will be published for iPad, Kindle, and Android tablet as a newsstand magazine. The first issue will be free and then it will be decided after that whether I can keep this as free or not and need to make a small charge to cover costs of producing the magazine.
Currently I would like to offer reviews of games, feature the best games, articles, tutorials and much more so at this time I'm looking for the following:
1. Authors to write articles on topics of general interest to GameSalad developers
2. Those willing to make reviews of games and write an article about this
3. Game authors that would like to submit a press release of recently released games and templates
4. Authors to write a regular monthly tutorial
5. Authors who have already made video tutorials and who like to give us permission to include these tutorials or links to them in the magazine
6. Artists who are willing to contribute some free graphics for the magazine content and design (attribution will be given)
7. Technical gurus who are willing to answer readers questions on a monthly basis
8. Anyone else who has ideas about any contribution that they can make
9. Ideas about anything else we could or should include in the magazine
10. Advertisers in the magazine (in many cases those contributing content will receive free advertising or a link to their site)
Feel free to PM me or leave a message here.
Jonathan Hamon
I see that back in October 2011 someone else had a similar idea to develop a community based monthly magazine for GameSalad. As far as I'm able to tell this was never completed. I'm now in the process of developing a magazine called ILuvGameSalad for release in January 2014. Clearly for this to be a success I need contributors to the magazine especially if I going to make this free or a low cost of less than $5 per month.
The magazine will be published for iPad, Kindle, and Android tablet as a newsstand magazine. The first issue will be free and then it will be decided after that whether I can keep this as free or not and need to make a small charge to cover costs of producing the magazine.
Currently I would like to offer reviews of games, feature the best games, articles, tutorials and much more so at this time I'm looking for the following:
1. Authors to write articles on topics of general interest to GameSalad developers
2. Those willing to make reviews of games and write an article about this
3. Game authors that would like to submit a press release of recently released games and templates
4. Authors to write a regular monthly tutorial
5. Authors who have already made video tutorials and who like to give us permission to include these tutorials or links to them in the magazine
6. Artists who are willing to contribute some free graphics for the magazine content and design (attribution will be given)
7. Technical gurus who are willing to answer readers questions on a monthly basis
8. Anyone else who has ideas about any contribution that they can make
9. Ideas about anything else we could or should include in the magazine
10. Advertisers in the magazine (in many cases those contributing content will receive free advertising or a link to their site)
Feel free to PM me or leave a message here.
Jonathan Hamon
* Creating a toggle button
* Making something fade in and out repeatedly
* Spawn new actors (e.g. a score notification) next to another actor but always within the screen boundaries
* Spawn an actor in a random location, but excluding a certain portion of the screen
Perhaps each month have a couple of pages of these "mini-tutorials".
On a side note, I'd certainly consider providing contributions to a free magazine, but wouldn't want to do so to a paid one.
Also I think the idea is great but the name is meh
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Feel free to suggest alternative names for the magazine as well.
And I'm a deeply boring person so I'd call it something like "Gamesalad Monthly" or "GameSalad Bar" or something terribad.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I like the GameSalad Bar name. Thanks
Perhaps something like as a portal for it?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: