I still have some codes left so if all the above are taken and you'd like to try out the game (and hopefully leave an iTunes review) then please let me know.
Sorry to bump again but is there no way to edit posts? "Graviti - Coming Soon...." doesn't really work now it is on the App store didn't want to start a new thread though.
Anyway, I while I'm here, I still really need some more iTune reviews if all the codes above are taken and anyone wants another please let me know.
Thanks, looks like all codes above are gone. I have a couple of codes left though so if anyone else wants to give it a go then let me know and I'll sort you out with a code
Well.....sales were good for the first two days but less so today. Hopefully they will pick up though. I intend to get a free version out with the first world included so hopefully that will help.
Not had any experience with free versions so bit of an experiment for me.
I hope it does well for you.
Cheers, Weswog
Hopefully the game will be out next week but I'll keep you posted.
I have some Promo codes so I've posted a few below. If you use one and are able to leave me a review then that would be great...
The game is out today...
I also have a thread over on Touch Arcade and if anyone is able to post over there then that would be great!
My Touch Arcade thread is...
If anyone could leave a comment there to keep it bumped a little then that would be awesome!
Anyway, I while I'm here, I still really need some more iTune reviews
Thanks in Advance...
Poodle Invasion looks like a lot of fun! I've added a comment to your thread over on Touch Arcade anyway.
I LOVE the game play for the itouch. I'll be sure to leave a good review where it counts.
Good to see the concept works lol. Hope the game does well for you, looks good from the trailer.
A number of people have said that it reminds them of Hoggy which I'd never heard of either but appears to be pretty popular
Never heard of Hoggy until you mentioned it, I see the idea is already out there lol.
Struggling a little with trying to get some momentum with getting the word out. My post over on Touch Arcade has gone quiet now
Not had any experience with free versions so bit of an experiment for me.
As I said my post over at Touch Arcade: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=5387 started well but difficult to keep it bumped now all Promos have pretty much gone....