State of GameSalad on 10-30-2013
Remember to keep an eye on the roadmap page for the latest details on what we're up to in the kitchen!
This week has us being head's down fixing bugs in the nightly builds and churning on some new behaviors. Nothing too terribly exceptional to report. Our build server is stable now and we're finally producing useful nightly builds again. Keep your eyes on the roadmap to see what fixes and updates are coming your way!
This week has us being head's down fixing bugs in the nightly builds and churning on some new behaviors. Nothing too terribly exceptional to report. Our build server is stable now and we're finally producing useful nightly builds again. Keep your eyes on the roadmap to see what fixes and updates are coming your way!
What do you think is a reasonable timeframe (if even only a vague estimate) for the improvements to Creator (in particular features like guides and snap-to-grid and so on) ?
Various Behaviors
@BlackCloakGS has been working on a couple of new behaviors for the nightly builds. One is the social sharing behavior -- allowing you to share information on Facebook, Twitter, etc. The other is a basic vibration control behavior. Keep an eye out for these new behaviors in an upcoming nightly build.
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"Facebook posting" sounds way more sexy as a feature announcement, than "custom loading icon" so it got pushed back. Kinda like how they started stretch as a UB option and then put it on hold for much "desired" features.
But hey maybe I'm just pissy about stretch still not being here even though we have been begging for it since before over scanning was even made public.
Keep it moving
- Thomas
Vibration is a limited feature, it'll work great on iPhones, but I suspect it won't necessarily translate to other platforms, and it definitely won't work on iPads, not just old first or second generation iPads, but any iPad including the latest iPad Air or the new iPad mini, as they lack a vibration feature, and of course it won't translate to Mac apps either, so a game that relies too heavily on vibration as a feature isn't going to translate very well beyond being an iPhone only app, but regardless it's a great feature and very welcome, just very limited . . . . whereas something like the ability to access a device's microphone, camera, or images store would be a fairly universally applicable feature . . . . or dare I say it, the ability to select two objects at once in Creator and a thousand other desperately need improvements to Creator.
And the FB thing is cool, but it would be nice to be able to trust and plan with what information is put out being put out to us sheep....
The Loading wheel deal, stretch, and a few other small things are just examples that just seem to fall off the radar with no idea when they will be coming back.
I really like the idea of GS and the games I have been able to build... Just always seems to miss the mark with the trust and planing with the information...
One of the Sheep...Wboko
Was wondering why all these features suddenly make it to the top when 11.0 has been in the coming soon period for months.
It's great to see new features, but new features mean new bugs and bugs were the reason why 11.0 hasn't been released yet.
The list of bugs that have been in GameSalad for years is depressingly long, in fact the number has only grown. That's why it's a little disappointing to see a new (and like I've said, limited) feature like 'vibrate' appear before some of the things we've been asking to be fixed for years are addressed.
I see your ~X( and raise you ~X( ~X( ~X(
Good one!
My Apps
So yeah, I have no interest/need for it - but it's an extra thing that took a day or less to get in. Can't hurt, really
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Yeah, agreed, if it's a quick and easy thing to put in place then no harm really, I suppose it was just another opportunity to point out the glacial speed of bug fixes with GameSalad.
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
I love GS so much.. but please.. can't we make a kickstarter for this to happen.. i'd pay!
I'd pay too.
Anyway dudes and dudettes - people who push the boundaries within bounds are given a great deal of respect.
That is our path to tread. Think of Stephen Crow and Andrew Braybrook and the Stampers. If only we can be like them. A lifelong dream.
Let it begin, let that be the buzz.