iAds sounds awesome!
I consider this is a game changer!
Apple Looking To Charge 10X The Normal Amount For iAds
According to the article... it seems that an expanded ad goes for $2 and developers will get 60% of that. That's a $1.20... a little bit less than the $1.40 from a $1.99 game. THAT'S INSANE. It means that I can give the game away for free. If they click an ad once in the lifetime of the game... JUST ONCE... it's like they paid for the app. Any "clicks" after is a lot MORE MONEY than typically made from the sales of games... which are usually sold for 99¢-$1.99.
It's a much better business model, as I can give my games away for free... but make more money!
I think that GameSalad should support iAds as soon as the feature is released.
Apple Looking To Charge 10X The Normal Amount For iAds
According to the article... it seems that an expanded ad goes for $2 and developers will get 60% of that. That's a $1.20... a little bit less than the $1.40 from a $1.99 game. THAT'S INSANE. It means that I can give the game away for free. If they click an ad once in the lifetime of the game... JUST ONCE... it's like they paid for the app. Any "clicks" after is a lot MORE MONEY than typically made from the sales of games... which are usually sold for 99¢-$1.99.
It's a much better business model, as I can give my games away for free... but make more money!
I think that GameSalad should support iAds as soon as the feature is released.
and if its just a "1 click" feature, where you don't have to code lots of things to add this to your game. this will be awesome.
I suggest a different route. Use AdMob.
Step 1) Create a game that uses AdMob ads.
Step 2) Use "House Ads" to promote your other apps, or simply convert your earning into advertisements to appear in other apps.
I think that's a way to get advertisements on the iPhone without any initial start up costs. The problem is that GameSalad doesn't support AdMob, so you'd have to figure out a way to create an app with Xcode or some other app authoring program. You could also just buy advertisements from AdMob.
the article points out on AT LEAST $ 1 million to advertise on iAd.
they are looking at the big guys.