My GameSalad Game!! Leave comments!!
Hi guys, I will be submitting my game to the app store very soon and am very excited. This is my first game that im making so it might not be as good as the games you guys make. Anyways, check this screenshot of 1 level in my game and leave some comments!!¤t=Gamesaladgame1.png¤t=Gamesaladgame1.png
I have a few websites if you want to check them out. Just email me at [email protected]
When I get $200, Ill work on iStax. But until then. Ill leave it unless I pay someone here.
Unless you spend at least $150 minimum on advertising, you won't get many sales. The more you spend the more you'll make.
When I finish a game I always doodle it and send it as a different game, I did that to 75% of my games and now I have 11 games on the app store
I also want to try and build a brand that people associate with quality.
I have two games in the App Store and make a few hundred dollars a day. My games are by no means masterpieces, but I am trying!
I have spent no money on advertising. I would exhaust all of the free avenues before I would spend money on marketing.
In 3 months I haven't made half to buy another GS licensee.
And I have used up 50 promos, money on Facebook adds.
I know this is your first game and it may still be in early development but just as a quick bit of feedback.
I'd recommend making your text 'Level 1' and 'main menu' with more exciting text in another program eg. Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, add some stroke, a drop shadow or something. Cool graphic design looking text.. It will raise the level of your game a load, and people will appreciate that a bit of time has been spent on it when they see the screen shots on the app store..
Also add a floor, on which everything is stood, maybe some grass in the foreground..Just adds more detail to a good looking level.
Whether or not lots of quick games or really well made ones is the best route to the rich list I'm not sure. I'm trying to take Firemaples route, and I've just finished my first game Quake Builder after 3 months work. Submitted it on Wednesday... I made my first app Contented Baby Sleep, which sells around 5 a day. That was really made to learn some basics of GameSalad and about submitting to the app store, but its selling fine.
checkout Quake Builder on my website if you get a chance...
good luck with the game.
a ton of games is not the trick. It doesnt work.
if you made $320 in 3 months i bet you could have made that with half the work and one good game.
you cant say it's the tricks if you have only made $320 in three months, Now if you come back in 6 months and have made 10k ill shut my fingers!
while i havent made a masterpiece by any means i have had $300+ days.
i would not have had those days with quickies.
not to say a doodle version isnt an bad idea
people may not always admit it but they love them doodle games!
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