Need help decide on Mac

turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
I need you guys to help me out for a decision:
I want to buy a mac mini for publishing games from gamesalad... just for that purpose. I cannot use it for anything else because I have a windows PC with high spec. Here are my choices:
A. MD387ZP/A 2.5 GHZ dual core-Intelcore i5, 4GB mem, 500 hardisk, Intel HD Graphics 4000, OS x mountain lion
B. MD388ZP/A 2.3 GHZ Quad core core-Intelcore i7, 4GB mem, 1TB hardisk, Intel HD Graphics 4000, OS x mountain lion

Where A is 40% cheaper than B.. Again I only want to use if for publishing an app. Will these spec reflect publishing HD apps for higher ipad/iphone? I'm juggling decision if I want to be practical or i'll just save more and wait to buy choice B.


  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    Both of those would be fine, and better spec'd than my 2007 model. All you're going to be using it for is opening your project you've made in Windows and pressing the publish button.
  • JagonAppsJagonApps Member Posts: 241
    @turboCharge I agree with @KevinCross, both would be fine for that purpose only. So like I did with the 2011 model Mini, I bought the cheaper (also i5) and then upgraded the ram, which is super easy, when I needed it. I am upto 8GB (which is max on my model but not yours) and can run chrome, gamesalad and photoshop happily at the same time.

    So just in case stuff changes in your situation, buy the cheaper one, and then upgrade it with RAM if you decide to use it for something heavier.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited September 2013
    Wait a few weeks as Apple is about to update their line of products. If this is your first Mac you're gonna love it and will want to use it more than your PC trust me.
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    newer update? awwwww
    I kind of agree with Kevin and Jagon.. I would practically buy i5 because it's cheaper then upgrade the ram if i'm getting funds if the spec is good for publishing.
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    @turboCharge newer models coming soon means that the two you're looking at might come down in price, so might be worth waiting a couple of weeks for that to happen.
  • dayofjackaldayofjackal Member Posts: 111
    Yep I'd wait a couple of weeks for the update. New ipad on its way too according to rumour. Old minis will drop in price I'd imagine if new models released, not by much but probably around £50. If its only to publish and nothing else then I'd get the cheapest option, although personally I'm a gadget geek and always go for the most powerful within my budget :)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I agree with FBS i haven't used my PC very much in over 4 years after switching to Mac.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    edited September 2013
    Yes I switched to Mac decades ago as when I became a Hollywood screenwriter the PC and Mac were two separate worlds and Hollywood was all Mac so I had to switch and never went back.
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2013
    Oh bTW sorry the i7 is a quad core not dual core.. apple store says i7 2.3ghz quad core is better than i5 2.5 ghz dual core

    .. I might get i7 just to publish so that when upgrades come out I can still use it, right?
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Yep it will be fine but you can't be patient until the 10th of this month as Apple has announcements planned?
  • KevinCrossKevinCross London, UKMember Posts: 1,894
    You should be able to use either of those Mac Minis for many years without having to worry about updating them, especially if you're only using it for publishing. My 2007 Mac still runs the latest OSX fine and has no problems with GameSalad. It struggles with games like WoW which I'm grateful for as I'd never get anything done.
  • dhannersdhanners Member Posts: 3
    I think FryingBaconStudios is making a very worthwhile valid point - just wait a few days. Could be well worth it, usually is with Apple.
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited September 2013
    Yuppers just hold out. Fry and I were just talking about this the other day.

    For your needs, an i7 is pointless. Go with an i5 and save the money. The rest of the system architecture is the same and it will do just fine.
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    Oh I see I think it is because of the new Mac pro right? I just saw it performs x10 better than the current latest computer.
    I might still better buy one and when I'm getting funds and earn more i'll buy newer computer.. i'm just a starting up.
    If i7 is pointless I think i'll just buy the i5 so that the rest money can go to a Wacom tablet hehe
  • VolontaArtsVolontaArts Member Posts: 510
    edited September 2013
    oh man the wacom tablet is sooo nice!!! i have the bamboo splash and i love it. 70 bucks

    and yea, these guys are right about the mac part... i was a pc fan for a long time, finally got a hold of a mac, took sometime to get use to, but then your like omg this is so much better and simple!
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    Thanks guys, I've decided to go i5 and I can't wait hehehe...
  • -Timo--Timo- Member Posts: 2,313
  • JackSoftJackSoft Member Posts: 27
    One of the things everyone is waiting for with this update is the haswell processors. They improve power consumption which means longer battery life for Macbooks. While less power consumption is always good, im not sure what other benefits Minis or iMacs will have from the haswell chip. I think the biggest reason to wait a few days is for the price drop. Prices have already dropped actually. They may drop significantly lower if this update happens soon.
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2013
    yeah the reason I'm buying one now is the price just dropped. Or is there another price drop again? What week should be the best for me to buy?
  • JackSoftJackSoft Member Posts: 27
    Not sure if we can expect another price drop. Maybe someone more experienced can chime in on how past updates have affected price. Really, the haswell release dates are all still speculation AFAIK. Something is supposed to be announced on Sept 10 I believe. Not sure if you are familiar with They are saying dont buy due to the pending update, but if your buying due to the price drop, your probably safe to buy now IMO.

    Just buy man... bite the bullet. You'll be happy with it.
  • turboChargeturboCharge Member Posts: 15
    Anyway just inform you all that I couldn't wait. I just bought the i5 mac mini today and i'm happy :).. Thanks you all for you advise :)
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