First iPhone game & blogging about it

Hello everyone.
First of all I just wanted to make clear I am very pleased with the GameSalad Software.
I have been working with GameSalad for little over a week now, and wanted to show my findings. I will be posting my observations and progress here:
Blogging about my first game
My hope is that some of you guys are willing to comment and give me critique. "A game isn't fun to make alone".
Enjoy and take care.
good idea to blog about your game. The game looks very crisp and clean, what tool did you use to create the artwork?
@Cap It is just plain Photoshop - no magic tricks here.
I have just uploaded a new video + post called
Playing with Ice
I have now have some nice new icons on my mac
Yet another one.
A cat, a mouse and some basic UI
In the video in the linked post, the slightly rotated platforms look pretty pixelated. There is a way to "fix" that by including a small transparent border in the image. However, this effects the collision logic as your actor is really a tad larger than it looks. If you want to keep your cake and eat it too, you can make the modified image and the platform as separate actors occupying the same position; just make the platform invisible and don't set up any collision logic for the "image-only" actor...
I hope this helps.
And i remember noticing something looking quite pixelated as well.
Wish i had your photoshoping skills!
and i love the idea of blogging your way through the development process.
cant wait to see more.