sciTunes' New Website - Let me know what you think!
So this is something that I have just started. When it is finished all of my non-science apps will be listed next to the XMB icon with the XMB icon a bit bigger than the others and it will stay centered. Eventually I will have it set up so when you click on an icon it will take you to a subpage with info, screenshots, reviews, youtube video etc.
What do you guys think about the art?
Any feedback at all would be great!
What do you guys think about the art?
Any feedback at all would be great!
you've got some good reviews of XMB on the UK itunes...(unless that was the US one).
how? is iTunes integration an option in GS?
BTW...nice web presence!
I'll get me coat...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It's not really "integration," but if your music is already playing when you start the game you can allow to keep playing. QS gives good ideas in the thread linked above.
as for the site structure, u need to beef up on design or make it nice and clean, like on TSB site ;~)
r u planning on changing the background and/or theme based on the game released? or r u staying in a 'winter land' due to the site/company name?
I plan on having square icons to the left and right of the XMB icon that display my other apps. These icons will link to their own subpage with info about each app. I spent an hour on the top graphic and then spent about 20minutes using html and css to do the rest. It is a long way from finished!
Not sure about the snow. It would be very easy to get rid of it as it is on its own layer in the original photoshop file.
Does it turn people off being that it is spring time? Maybe I should have flowers poking through.
thanks, guys!