Maybe the best GS game? you decide! Free Codes
I have been working on a game using Gamesalad, which i feel is possible one of the best i have seen here at GS. I may well be wrong, but maybe you guys could take a look and see what you think.
There is a video of it below on youtube.
If you want a promotional code then please email me! (go to my profile and find email address)

Ps, there is a Lite verison out too, search the app store if you want that version.
I have been working on a game using Gamesalad, which i feel is possible one of the best i have seen here at GS. I may well be wrong, but maybe you guys could take a look and see what you think.
There is a video of it below on youtube.
If you want a promotional code then please email me! (go to my profile and find email address)

Ps, there is a Lite verison out too, search the app store if you want that version.
Game looks great too.
Did you make it the best you could?
If yes, then mucho congratulations!
If not. "Learn you skills in the virtual trainer" as you said in the video.
I'm always a little skeptical of the "epic" youtube video if you know what i mean.
But i guess ill have to play it to really decide since thats what matters
You know you are setting yourself up for harsh criticism when you come right out and say its the best.
If it is the best you wont have to say it
Ill give it a spin
Personally i judge a game on one factor and one factor alone
When and if i finish a level, am i compelled to play the next. Equally if i die, do i want to restart.
9 out of 10 times the answer is no but, i give games a good fair go.
I have played every single level on a few GS games.
Its only my opinion but so far this is the best done with GS so far
Both my wife and i played all 80 levels almost non stop
She isn't really a gamer so if a game gets her its good.
However, Mt Shirt thinks he has a runner for the money too!
[email protected] if you wanna email me a code
FOr the record my last game
I give myself a 7/10
Put a itunes link on your game too!
If its the best make it easier to prove!
I guarantee about 1 out of 50 who read this will search for it
Sorry - not the best
Just make a post if you want my honest impressions
I'm sure it will be good even if its not the best
Im quite excited to try it
I thought your two block games were right up there
Just kind hard
RBR 1 and 2 were harder but they started out easier to get me hooked
I require the "dummy" levels first
my wife who, like i said managed all 80 danger cats levels gave up just after the tutorial on tumble blocks
I realize she is not the best gamer but she is a good benchmark to know if you you will hook the masses
(she does not like my games i dont think she has any on her iphone or ipad but i think red block remover is still on there lol)
my 4yo finished both Rolandos and is about done with bounce on 2
Those are big games and he can barely read
I can whoop him some mario kart though!
My question here remains unanwered by your comments.
I appreciate them, but you fail to see what I have actually asked here.
I have asked if you think this could be up there as the best gamesalad game made by a non-pro member. I think it could be from what i have seen here so far.
Your welcome to say 'No' but how about you suggest what is better by a non-pro?
I will still say no, its not the best
Its a good start but ......(and im not saying my games are better by any means)
I would probably never say this about a game but, since you put yourself out there like that I will.
Its better than most people's first games but it falls in the middle somewhere as far as quality i think.
Good start and base for a good game but, the graphics are sloppy and often blurred.
The controls are a little frustrating.
Sure i could adapt but you will find out very quickly that people dont take time to adapt.
They just delete and one star itif it isnt great right out the gate.
I think its good though.
But if you are gonna make a statement like its the best its gotta be THE BEST x10
"I'd recommend posting this type of post on the GS Pro Forums where the other pros reside!"
All I say is..."Why the sarcasm? What's the point of a statement like this?"
Tsk. Tsk. But I understand that you are "one of the cool kids" around
@Mr. Bloggy
The best??? Only the iTunes store will be the judge. In my opinion...only sales/download numbers count and general user ratings/feedback. Wish you the best of luck with the title.
I have not played the game...but from what I saw in the video...its a great start on building games. It still "looks" like an amateur title and mildly polished...but those games can do well if the game play is excellent. It appears though...that from the video...the pace may be too slow for 5star game play.
But keep up the good work. Practice makes perfect.
BTW: for me "pro" means someone making apps for money...not for hobbies or what type of GS license you bought. If you are making the app to sell and make money...then you are pro...if you are planning to release as a free app or are not trying to make a living at app dev...then you are non-pro. are doing well...a Bold statement like that gets proof by this thread. Nice move!
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(now available for 17+)
game looks good....I had something like that years ago and it was soooo addictive...never could land the bloody spaceship twice....
Thanks for your comments, that more like the constructive comments I would hope for in a forum post.
@ synthesis
Im talking GS created mate, not all time. Thanks.
Like they say, it takes one to know one. ;-) and :-P
1) The icon is awful. There's a (non-intentionally) pixelated ship that looks like it was crudely selected with Photoshop's magnetic lasso, a weird gradient in the middle, and a semi-decent looking flame trail. It needs to be streamlined and polished.
2) The graphics are bland, and remind me of a 2001 Java game. Not bad, but not good. When I take a look at the screenshots, I wanna see variety of gameplay. 3 show pretty much the same thing, the other two like-wise. You could pretty much depict the entire game with two screenshots instead of 5. No real show of polish.
3) You're video for the game is unnerving. I try to figure out what you're doing in one of the scenes, and then you use the screen warp effect (which looks ridiculously unprofessional) over 4 times. The intro was too long, and would lose most potential customers in a matter of seconds.
4) Captain Flanders is such a boring and undescriptive name.
I don't mean to be harsh, just blunt. Though you are kinda asking for it with the title.
If you don't have the sync rights to music you are using - even on a free video. You are breaking the law.
If you want to be the best -(or want to stay out of court) don't use graphics & sound you don't own the rights to.
So your telling me one of your main considerations when downloading a game is the icon? PS, the icon on itunes is showing different to the one installed to the iphone.
@ jhaas
Actaully you have always been able to use 10 seconds of any copyrighted music without permission. Also youtube do monitor what music is used and will suspended it untill the audio is changed if they feel they need to. For example you can not view this video if you are in Germany as copyright laws are different.
@ MrBloggy Also don't have a go at people, It is quite rude that you say your first game is better than what people here have done, I know a lot of people here put as much effort and money as they can into there games and someone comes along and says this.
Think about the effort you put into making it then imagine someone coming along saying, my game better than yours...
lets say I continuously loop 10 secs of your song in a video showing someone bludgeoning baby seals with a flaming sock full of'd sue. and win.
nice job,
For me, I think it looks much nicer in its training mode, where everything just looks to be of a consistent style and fits well together. Once it goes into story mode, it suddenly drops in quality... with a bad color scheme, and graphics that dont really complement each other very well.
And i have to agree.... the app icon looks awful. Whats the point of putting all that time and effort into your game, then giving it such a badly created app icon. You have to remember Mr.Bloggy that your app icon is the very first thing people see of your game...its your gateway as such, and if it looks bad, quite often it will put many buyers off from looking any further, as the assumption is that if you cant put the effort into that one item, what amount of effort has gone into the rest of the game.
I dont want to be too negative though, as it does look to be a decent game. Its just not the Flagship GS game the post claims at. It has a long way to improve before it sits alongside more polished, original games like Stunt Squirrels.
At least its not just another GS physics/block tumbler game though... so you do gain kudos for that.
Oh.... and your argument about being legal to use copyright music on your video. Your video runs to 1 minute 26 seconds, which is 1:16 longer than the 10 seconds you claim to be legal by my reckoning... which kind of shoots your argument in the foot.
Good debate you've got going though....
When someone said they would hit the back button based on the icon that really just meant thats what the average person does. It wasn't their personal attack on your game.
Its sad but its true.
Think about yourself browsing the app store - what draws you to just up and download a game you've never seen. I'm guessing the name and the icon? Research shows this to be true.
Just to share....
One of my earlier games was not that great of a game but had a catchy title and nice little icon. I spent days on everything including the exact right color of blue that people associate with being good.
(think about all the blue apple uses and what makes the AT&T logo work, ill tell you they spend millions on answering that question)
Anyways the game was completely unknown and pulled a couple hundred downloads per day just from the icon and the name. In the end it sucked and the reviews killed the magic after a week or so.
Going back i would have just not released it but that was then....
If i post something and everyone says "hey nice job"
I just assume most are lying or never even played it.
Its a friendly community and if you're friendly it comes right back!
Rather you meant to or not you basically said check out my game. Its better than yours.
And while it probably is better than mine some people don't appreciate that... thats all!
If you just said check out my game what do you think that poll would look totally diff
I agree on the icon bit. That can truly make or break your game, and if you've spent a lot of time polishing your game, but have a lousy icon, you've wasted your time
By the way, which game were you referring to James? Was it doodle monster that drew in a lot of downloads from the icon? If so, that was a very nice icon indeed!
it was doodle monster
I had spoke with someone from quantum a while back whan i was calling about advertising prices. He actually said it was one of the better icons they have seen and asked if i intentionally copied AT&T color scheme (which i had)
I thought that was funny.
The crazy thing is that the free version still gets a ton of downloads. It has 354 5 stars but has 703 1 stars lol. Still get upgrades to the full everyday though
The game is horrible IMO but its really easy and my 4yo loves it.
If people upgrade I am guessing they are young children.
I often think about pulling some games because i am kind of ashamed of them.
Once i list my stuff under my business name maybe ill not move them lol
The icon i really think is nice is the amateur surgeon blue icon.
and check out the game!