Announcing my crap - For Gendai to recognize and because I can
Just because it is allowed and just for Gendai to know that there is a new GS game on the Appstore:
Alien Breakout :
You can take codes here:
Alien Breakout :
You can take codes here:
Oh, and the graphics look good. I don't think "crap" is an accurate description.
those aliens startled me!
downloading now
even though i have a membership on your code site im too lazy to log in and save .99
ok, by now the download is done
this better not suck
I hope it is at least a little bit enjoyable.
I can't look at it anymore, I have played it so many times and unfortunately I know, how it works :-)
We will see, what you will say :-)
Here is one only for you: P7YJKWRHAF64
We will update our system soon so devs can take codes too.
I hope It will make at least a few bucks :-)
First impression... graphics are very slick.
It seems my english is not good enough for your style of talking :-)
I can send you the music to compare, if you want :-)
i'll take a code.. i have a breakout type game i put on hold cause i couldn't figure out the
ball from stop floating around sometimes going just left to right or straight up and down.
curious to see how your's turned out.
i'll take a code.
I have sent you a code by email.
So, I am off again for a while.
have just bought it (too lazy to plug in my phone, turn it to a US account, put code in etc etc)...
will feedback in a bit...
nice logo...(might have to rethink my Quake Builder one...)
Game Graphics are some of the best I've seen in a GS game. Like the 3d spinning meteors/rocks.
I like the add ons that shrink and grow the platform, (more would be better, as I've only seen a few of the ones available)
Very cool when you get the ball up nice and high in the pack of rocks. satisfying.
Possible problems:
Ball gets stuck quite regularly going straight vertically or horizontally, I know you can shake, but not everyone would read the instructions first (I did'nt, :-) .... maybe mention in part of the intro.
- No way back to the menu (not sure if its needed, )
- Pause would be handy....(I know it may come as part of GS one day, add it then).
Great game though...congrats good luck with sales
on 3GS
and yeah sorry, your right sound is all scratchy like a skipping record/knackered speaker...sorry had sound down before as someone was editing some music at work...
Sound problems fixed
Ball problems fixed
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