Cashing in on the recent disaster (sneak peek video)
2 days ago i thought of a great game idea. Lets be clear, the game isn't great, but the idea was to cash in on the huge amounts of press and misery regarding the iceland volcano disaster. I thought it might cheer people up that were stranded at airports, but the damned planes are flying again. Oh well, here's hoping that thing heats up again!

Awaiting approval

Awaiting approval
Nice work! Very creative in my opinion, a perfect example of how games can be created from any source!
@JamesZeppelin The ditty isn't Van Halen. It's royalty free stuff from, nice eh?
also love the music where did you get it?
@Kamazar. Thanks for the advice. I'll look into that for the update. There's plenty i still need to do, as i said, i only started two days ago.
More suggestions very welcome!
I think James was referring to Van Halen's 'Eruption':
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Like the sweeping menu transitions...
you turned this around quick...
nice nice nice