Selling on iPad
I don't know if it's just me, but I haven't gotten any sells for my iPad game. It's in the Puzzle category on the App Store. I find it strange nobody has even touched it. Could it be the fact that Apple doesn't allow you to view the game genres on the iPad's app store application? Am I doing something wrong?!
iPhone sales for me are much better than iPad sales, but hopefully Apple will do something about the categories and fix the iPad store already
But i'm putting a lot into advertising my free version
I REALLY think that the visibility on the device plays a minor role.
I'm not featured and am ahead of a number of apps that are.
There just aren't a lot of ipads out there yet. But i am spending a lot to already be present when the floodgates open.
ALl of my advertising budget and things of the sort are going to the free version
I find driving people to something free is much easier.
I know my conversion rate is consistent and that it pays off.
Google adsense is cheap even with nice graphical adds and you can target just ipad for example. You have a lot of control and it does everything admob does but WAAAAAAY cheaper
Here is an example of a contest i have on touch arcade
Sorry for the long post but maybe some of these ideas can help
So unless you are picked as a featured app, are found via search or spend $$$ in advertising - good luck with iPad apps.
Don't mean to discourage anyone but as I stated Apple doesn't have a problem with the iPad store as it is now.
There are categories in the iTunes version of the iPad app store on the Mac but when you look in the iPad itself and click on one of the categories it only shows featured apps which doesn't help visibility
This has been a long term complaint but as jhaas pointed out above, it won't be fixed anytime soon
It doesn't help not having it in the iPad itself because most people download apps on their device and not on the Mac
but at the same time I feel it will shy away some of the competition of crap app factories
By that i mean devs like the (insert here)-ville guy wont be making over 500 of the same game and counting on a download or two each per day
a couple of the apps lingering right below me on the charts have been featured since day one
good old fashioned hard work can still drive people to your app i think.
Does anyone here really feel like the presence on the iphone categories really helped that much?
I mean all things relative given the number of iphone owners vs ipad owners it doesnt seem that great. By that i mean if PvsZ did 10 million and i did 1000 now its probably like they do a million i do 100....
most of us are still getting our same % of the pie...
i feel pretty good getting over 20 on a regular basis with no feature
The top sellers i think all had features and did great lite version promotion, am i correct?
I do think the categories help to a degree, especially if your ranked in the top 100, and on the iPad, you can't see which apps are ranked in the top 100 in each of the categories, it hurts sales.
I got lucky and had one of my apps "Kid Musical Wonder" featured in the Apps for Kids section, but I still only see about 6-12 sales per day at 1.99
I think we have yet to see big numbers in sales for the iPad anyway, and when the 3G version releases, hopefully we'll see more sales, and perhaps, the categories fixed.
For example: Stunt Squirrels HD is in the top 100 overall iPad games, and I think he's getting maybe 40 sales a day, we'll have to ask him, but we can't expect high numbers of sales for the iPad right now
thats why im not too worried about it
i added something to my last post which i think makes a little more sense
but i still dont think the top for each category on the actual device would change our numbers much at all
the masses buy the popular games and smaller percentage hunt or take suggestions on new stuff
crap like "A number learning tool games HD - for Ipad"
yeah that's an actual title along with 5 like it at the same time
its supposed to be educational but is such a piece trash the title isn't even correct
yes ... please educate my kids oh wise one
I pitty the fool!
i could be wrong but i bet you were getting like .01% of the iphone customers and now you are getting like .01% of the ipad customers
i just think as ipad sales go up you will do better than you are thinking you are doing.
People who browse i think still go right into the new releases in their computers.
Make a free game and watch... it will get a couple 100 per day?
how did they find it?????
not on the ipad but they do.
i cant argue that
they would go up
But i dont think by much ....yet
Im pretty sure featured get the most benefit
and i know for a fact that featured apps right smack on the front are seeing less then 20 per day
I still think that it'll be a poor cousin to iphone apps as long as the iPad app store continues as is.
I think if they did have categories you would see a minor increment in sales, but not drastic
Hopefully once the 3G comes out there will be more sales, but the iPhone is where it's at now
This is why I can't wait for gamesalad to be for android :O
So has GS eluded to publishing to the android in the future?
For the featured tile, Apple contacted me personally and requested special artwork from me.
I am also on the iTunes Store iPad Games section in the "What we're playing" section.
I am currently, as of this hour, ranked #78 in all iPad games. # 25 in Action games and #15 in Arcade games. It fluctuates up and sown a few spots throughout the day.
I am also working on bringing my first game, Danger Cats!, to the iPad now. It's a lot of work though, as I have to rebuild and redesign all the levels.
Looking forward to seeing Danger Cats for the iPad, that was my favorite game!
Some of us aren't so lucky
you know im looking forward to danger cats
I only mention it in EVERY post i make on stunt squirrels here and touch arcade