[Freelance] Game Sprites - Workshop

Hello folks, i am an experienced Graphics artist, i can make almost any custom sprite for you, i am originally of the GM community and worked for several projects there. Below you will find samples of my work and price listing.

These sprites are not being shared, they are just examples of my work, you should NOT use any sprites shown here unless you have a license for them.

Buildings :
- Prices starting at $10 each, depending on the details, textures needed and also the time required to make.

Various :
- Prices starting at $10 each, depending on the details, textures needed and also the time required to make.

Characters and Animations :
- Character Prices starting at $15 per model, depending on the complexity, textures needed and also the time required to make.
- Animation Prices starting at $10 each, depending on complexity, keyframes and the time needed to complete.
- Post-Processing (special effects and particles) starting at $10 each.

More Examples :
- Licensed/copyright to : Brian Colon, logstar6, James Tedder.

Notes and Terms :
- I will give an estimate of time needed to complete, but allow a minimum of 1 week for completion.
- You must pay half up-front and the rest upon completion.
- Prices vary to accommodate the complexity of the model.
- Standard prices apply to anything under 130 visible pixels.
- I don't work for free or royalties/shares.
- Unless otherwise stated, all artwork will be copyrighted to you once complete payment is made.
- Also note i don't do trademarked characters (Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Megaman..etc).
- I don't charge for the number of directions needed, can be anything from 1 to 360.
- I don't do pixel art or anything painted-like.

Contact :
- Email me at [email protected]

- Remus Turcuman


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