Do all Pro games get removed from Google Play if you do not renew your Pro membership?
I have been working with GameSalad and have been very satisfied with it, because I have had trouble learning Lua to use Corona. However, I have looked at other tools that do use programming, and although I do not plan on switching from GameSalad anytime soon, I want to learn at least one programming language just to find out how programming is done for games. If I do learn it, and then decide to change my mind and use mostly programming for new games, and therefore do not renew the GameSalad Pro membership, what would happen? Would all games be removed from the App Store and/or Google Play, or do you just not make any more money from them (or would you still make money from them)? Even if I do switch, all the games would have been out for a long time, so I would not care if I could no longer make money from them, but I will still want them to be available. I'm mostly asking about Google Play, because I know you can publish to iOS without having a Pro membership.
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