Blighted Lands TD: Out NOW!
Blighted Lands TD is finally out. After months of labor trying to optimize the game it is finally out.
I have already sent a few of you promo codes. If anyone else would like one I will be sending 1 to the first 10 people who email me @ [email protected]
I DO keep track of who I give codes out to (thank goodness for spreadsheets), so please leave a review.
I have already sent a few of you promo codes. If anyone else would like one I will be sending 1 to the first 10 people who email me @ [email protected]
I DO keep track of who I give codes out to (thank goodness for spreadsheets), so please leave a review.
Thanks BB & FMG!
[email protected]
EDIT: Got it now.
Thanks ktfright
Just purchased and left a review
What an accomplishment.
I hope it does well for you
It has all the stuff to make it a classic
If you put half the work Into marketing as you did creation this thing will be a hit for sure.
Apple better feature it too if they know what's good for em'
Been waiting for this for about a year now. It's been a real rollercoaster ride, and now it's on my phone! Awesome!
Have you done any marketing for this? You've had plenty of time to prepare
I left you TWO reviews, brotha. One on the US store with the promo you sent, and another on the UK store that I bought with my own money
So what's next? Blighted Lands HD for the iPad? Blighted Lands Hero Karts? Blighted Lands: The Musical???
Seriously, congrats on getting this out there. Maybe now you can relax?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...