Play Doodle Cannon- uploaded to web!
Hey guys, I uploaded the free iPhone version of Doodle Cannon. It has 15 levels and 3 PvP levels. It's been reworked and is now 137% more advanced than the current iPad version. I am about to submit but I would like some feedback and any reports of any bugs you all find while playing. Have fun and thanks!
I'm waiting here in Canada the iPad will be out maybe the 24th. So I will hurry to get one and test the app. on a real device.
Good luck!
I would also have liked to see what level I was on; especially since you have the resume option...
I did have one anomaly where the guy was shield by some of the thin platforms but the blast killed him anyways; not sure if that is intentional or not.
I'd buy it.
I also agree that the blast zone should be effective regardless of barriers. I just thought I'd mention it in case it wasn't a part of the design.
Come to think of it, I think I'll go and play a few rounds now before getting back to coding which is no fun... at least when it's for work.
Of course, you know your users better than I do, and maybe we both suck at this type of game.
Level 1:
Player 1 shot and hit the spinner; everything as expected.
Player 2 shot and hit the spinner and it moved the thin roof; everything as expected.
Player 1 didn't even start his turn the spinner started moving slowly, then sped up a bit and the slowed down to a stop.
If I hadn't really been paying attention for stuff, I don't I'd have noticed.
I've been using the graph paper lines to gauge where I am roughly but that would be a nice enhancement and shouldn't be too tough to add (famous last words).
@ Butterbean- Thanks! Yes, I did the art and music for this one. I used Illustrator and a tablet for the graphics. My favorite thing about making apps is that I get to do it all
Please report any bugs you find. I know I'm not perfect so there has to be a few! Suggestions are welcome also. Thanks
@ Spaceneedle & Rattlehead - I've really appreciated your input so far.