XMB dropped out of the top 100 for Racing - should I lower price?
What do you guys think? My game has been selling 10-20 per day at $1.99. Yesterday it only did 10 and this morning it was no longer in the top 100 for racing so my guess is that it will do even worse today. Should I lower the price to $.99?
I was thinking, as I have an update coming, that I could do a "Limited Time Offer" until the new update is approved.
Do you think this could bump it back into the top $100? Would the loss in profit be worth it?
I was thinking, as I have an update coming, that I could do a "Limited Time Offer" until the new update is approved.
Do you think this could bump it back into the top $100? Would the loss in profit be worth it?
I would suggest you release a lite version if you haven't. Maybe make the game $0.99 in concurrence with releasing a light version.
I would leave it alone for now, though.
Why not drop it to 99cent for a day as a special offer?
But nothing is certain with the appstore
A price drop.
A competition.
Honestly i'm not sure I haven't made $40
Or even just announcing the sale (if you do drop it) in your TA post may suffice.