How do you make a backround and how do you make a character?
Template is like a backround right? I want to make a backround and character (Actor) but how? Do I have to draw it on like a paint program or something? I'm not good at painting. Also how do you make like the ground and houses and stuff like that?
If you haven't already, I'd go and read through the cookbook and take a look on our site. We have tons of free video tutorials.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
A background would be like sky or trees, .....etc
A template is a pre built game or logic for you to study and learn from.
If your not good at any of the above items the. You might want to study them all over and practice some before you jump into making something. Also gs marketplace, deep blue and gas helper as lots of stuff you can study and learn from. Also the ha cookbook is a good starting point as well.
Good luck