What software do you use to create your game websites?
I would like to know what software or creators you use for your website. I have limited coding knowledge so i am looking at either Wordpress, Weebly or webs. What software do you guys use.
Joomla is a great option as well. A lot harder to use than Wordpress, but you would have more control over everything.
I never used Weebly or Webs. To me they just seem like Apple's iWeb knockoffs, or something akin to a toy, but hey, what do I know.
I was blown away by Joomla's features and capabilities but since i have limited coding knowledge, i cant do much. For the moment i will use wordpress.
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Now they've gone with HTML5, I've been using Wix. :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Hope that helps :-)
I use themes & custom themes
My websites:
Websites done with custom themes for clients:
The problem with it however is that it's really outdated. So I'm patiently waiting for the replacement mentioned by @SingleSparq that should be out soon (hopefully).
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Did you use the .com version or .org version
Lately Ive been using a alot of ajax and jquery to pretty stuff up.
But I dont think it gets much simpler than Wordpress, and if you dont know what you are doing, the limits that wordpress does have will not matter to you.
You likely do not want a Wordpress.org or a Wordpress.com site.
You want a LAMP server, (Something like GoDaddy hosting) that you can install wordpress on.
Many host providers offer one click installs of all your basics like wordpress & joomla etc.
Wordpress is a Content Management System that is independent of Wordpress.com
(well, technically the .com will host a blog for you that uses wordpress... the .org is the group who created and maintains the CMS. If you are not using methods provided to you by a host, then you download the .zip from wordpress.org and use an ftp to transfer the files to your server.)
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can see here http://www.bbenk.com
Drupal Views are for Web Development, like GameSalad is for Game Development.
On my website there's an article... Helpful List For GameSalad Developers ...which includes a section for creating a website. I've been using HostRocket for years. It's really simple to setup WordPress, as most hosts with cPanel have one-click installs for WordPress.
The real trick is keeping it going. One month I had hundreds of thousands of visitors at my site. Now, it's down to several thousand visitors a month. Maybe one day I'll get back up into the big numbers... and beyond my old records.
I've worked with MAMP (Mac), WIMP (Windows/IIS) and LAMP (Linux) boxes. If you want to test things out locally on your machine, there's Bitnami... http://bitnami.com/ and http://bitnami.com/stack/wordpress ...but I prefer to use the OS X server app for web development.
Most times we decide to go heavily with Django, Bootstrap, and CouchCMS. Sometimes, we make do with Wordpress. We have some pretty talented web programmers in our team, but for smaller projects we're confident enough to leave it up to the shall we say, "newbies" of the team. And they have produced some pretty awesome sites with just average HTML and CSS know-how!
What I'm saying is website builders like Breezi are good and serve their purpose, but it can get limiting at times -- and with today's easier-to-learn and implement libraries and tools, I'd say going the extra few more miles might be worth it
Just throwing it out there, and good luck with your future website!
Which template did you use? Most wordpress themes i saw where blog type which are not really easy to handle.
Your probaply talking about http://wordpress.com
Uptimistik and co (
It's self hosted and there are a lot more themes available for it like:
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