Game possibly corrupted...
in Tech Support
I've been working on this game for almost a solid year now. It's about 80mb thus far. Recently whenever I try to work on the game, I'll be able to create one or so attributes, and then after that, I can't do much else. The creator is still up (meaning it doesn't crash), but, I can't move rules around. I can't add any other rules. Etc. Even more strange when I go back to previous versions (save files), it has the same problem. What do I do? Any help would be appreciated!
Each day i copy my game with finder and continue working with the new.
If some day i break anything, i return to the old.
Its my poor support for you.
Are you tryed to see the content of your app? maybe deleting the last modify..
Was there anything special about the bad scene? How did you figure out which one it was? Is there anything we should watch out for?
Make sure u compress as no other system process can alter them...
The way i was able to target the problem was that if i did work in any other scene and its attributes- it worked fine. Once i got back to the " corrupted" scene it went haywire. As for what the problem was... Hard to say. But it appears that there was conflicting code. For instance, it was the equivalent of having a boolean operation that said when TRUE turn something on. But in another area there was a line of code that said, when TRUE turn operation off. I'm simplifying here of course, but thats the gist. There was a lot of conflicting code i think, and I guess GS kinda blew up from that. So perhaps it was human error and not necessarily random corruption. That said i'm still surprised that GS itself became unstable because of it. I would have just assumed the game itself ( when playing it) would have crashed. So i guess the morale of the story is to backup as much as possible and zip the files as @firstdan mentioned.
I'm happy to report that so far, all looks well. I've rebuilt the level with a whole new code design and its working flawless.
As always, many many thanks to all of you and these forums. True game life savers!
I'm still not convinced that a problem with your current working copy of your Gamesalad project can in any way effect archived (and previously working) versions . . . . I suspect the problem was more Gamesalad / system based . . . . but if you are going to zip your archive I'd do it on an individual project basis, otherwise zipping your entire archive will give you a single file that can be corrupted, lost or accidentally deleted all in one go.
Personally I just back up all my work to a local hard drive and off sight (I used to email the project to myself, but now I use dropbox).