Many Google Checkout Order's Cancelled
Just wondering if any other Dev's out there who utilize the Android store for your apps experience this?
Everyday I get anywhere from 1-8 cancellations of one of my games. Here's what the email says:
'Google cancelled a recent purchase from your store.'
'Reason: Customer request to cancel' (or) 'Reason: Other (describe below)'
..but there is no other information. Tried googling the issue but I'm not really getting anywhere with a reason why I have so many cancelled orders. My only thought would be because perhaps the game isn't playing properly on their device however I see no 'crash reports' in the dashboard. Most are from other countries...
Everyday I get anywhere from 1-8 cancellations of one of my games. Here's what the email says:
'Google cancelled a recent purchase from your store.'
'Reason: Customer request to cancel' (or) 'Reason: Other (describe below)'
..but there is no other information. Tried googling the issue but I'm not really getting anywhere with a reason why I have so many cancelled orders. My only thought would be because perhaps the game isn't playing properly on their device however I see no 'crash reports' in the dashboard. Most are from other countries...
My experience on Google Play
Some days I had 20 paid sales on google play , 14 sales have been cancelled.
Reason why orders have been cancelled.
-App not working
-Customer dont like a game, after purchased order he have 15 minutes to cancell.
Google play isnt good for selling paid apps
I also get a lot of those mails every day. But I didn't find any with the reason "Other". Most of them were customer's request to cancel but there were also some mails with a reaseon of "order has been cancelled because your buyer failed to provide a valid credit card number that passed authorization successfully. The buyer's credit card was never charged for this order and we've sent email to your buyer regarding the cancelled status of the order."
I don't use Google Play, but wouldn't this be pretty unfair to the seller?
The buyer could keep downloading the app and cancel the order every 14 minutes?
Yep, probably people saving the apk's via a file browser
Sad to hear
Yeah, Google Play isn't the best market for Paid apps
If I were you, I'd try contacting Google about this. I'd think that they would be concerned and try to fix this
I'm afraid I can't offer much more help than that though
Perhaps the only way to get profits from our games is playhaven that should be added soon.
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I think its more interesting to be centralized on app store only....
Why don't the rest of you all complain to google to do the right thing by their app suppliers and get rid of refunds? Nothing will change until you do.
Short Version: Apple is Apple-centered, Google is User-centered... and for the same reasons.
Apple thinks a great app store and "cool" devices are the way to keep users happy.
Google thinks an open environment and freedom is the best way to keep users happy.
They both seem to have their benefits, and looking at it from a companies perspective it becomes alot easier to understand there is no one right way... you cant please everyone.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
I'd rather they cancelled than leave a horrible review because it doesn't work properly..
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature