***Need Instructions for Card Matching Game***
I am wanting to make a card matching game, but I do not understand how to do it in GS. If someone could please help me out I would appreciate it. I need to be able for the cards to randomize every time played and also function as any other matching card game would (click on a card, show the other side, click on another one, go back to other side if wrong, make both disappear if they match, and a score/timer for how fast they can do it if possible). Thanks in advance for anyone that helps. Have a nice day.
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Feel free to ping @TshirtBooth as well, as he's the head honcho over there and he wrote the template..
You can also check out the template created by Darren and his crew over at DeepBlueApps -
That one's $.99 but it might suit your needs as well..
The link to the gshelper template is broken or it's been removed. Does anyone still have it?
@Kinzamuzahir - This thread is 2 years old - no need to revive it. You can use the search bar on GSHelper.com to look for the template.
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