Jumpo! features on New and Noteworthy!

I just logged in and saw that Jumpo is posted on New and Noteworthy! I checked several App stores around the world, and it looks like it got picked up world wide! Thanks for all the support GS crew!
It is great to see so many GS games getting recognition!
It is great to see so many GS games getting recognition!
You should notice a nice bump in sales for this week!
Looking forward to giving it a workout!
Its called "What's Hot"...and its on the main pages...same as N&N
Climbing up to the top 100 in your category so you can be seen on the device is pretty critical to sales.
And it's also a bit self-perpetuating, being in the top 100 means more sales which keeps you in the top 100...
The Hot New Games section on the device gets updated every Monday night at midnight (US, PST).
Your game will also be shown in the iTunes App Store in one of these sections as well: New and Noteworthy, What's Hot, or What We're Playing.
After your week in the Hot New Games section on the device, your game will generally stay on the iTunes page for a few more weeks (hopefully!)