2d Artist wanted[PAID]

jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584
Hi all

I am looking for a 2d artist to create some very simple art work. This game will be using deepblueapps 'Super Crate boy' template -

List of Art needed
main character,
background art(variety),
tiles for platforms, ground etc.
Main logo/ based on the logo used in this template.
selection of power ups/explosions etc.

With this game, I am looking for someone that can make art dark/evil along the lines of Zombirds

(Dont worry Daniel, this isnt THAT game we talked about :) )

Naturally, whoever gets the job, will have their name in the credits as well :) - I know, too kind.. Note, replies will be a tad slow, as I will be busy for the next couple of weeks but ideally, looking to have some one confirmed on this by Sept 26th/27th

If this is something you can do, please send some examples(ideally, something based on what I actually need would be excellent) to [email protected]


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