Thoughts on audio requirements for level up
Hi guys,
I'm finalising my zombie themed project and need a sound to congratulate people on level ups. I don't know whether anyone knows a good sound or can offer a sound file for this. We were going to use a bell but think its too sombre.
I'm finalising my zombie themed project and need a sound to congratulate people on level ups. I don't know whether anyone knows a good sound or can offer a sound file for this. We were going to use a bell but think its too sombre.
Of course you could use the VO and FX with any music that you dig up as well.
GameSalad handles sound pretty darn, well on iOS. Don't be afraid to get multiple sound files in there, but just don't make them too big. Unfortunately my experience is that more sound resource intensive games cause the android to choke up... grrrr.
There should be plenty of classic music bumpers, jingles and themes out on public domain. Check some of those out, you might find something that might work with some pimping.