7 Second Arcade is in the App store!! Wario Ware type game, Promos!!
It's finally arrived, after all these months of polishing and repolishing, 7 Second Arcade, the mini-game frenzied, wario ware style game is in stores tomorrow, but posted in the app store now
Here's some promos, I have very few for this game as I'm heavily promoting it, but enjoy, and leave a review if you have a chance!
It's finally arrived, after all these months of polishing and repolishing, 7 Second Arcade, the mini-game frenzied, wario ware style game is in stores tomorrow, but posted in the app store now

Here's some promos, I have very few for this game as I'm heavily promoting it, but enjoy, and leave a review if you have a chance!
Good Job. Like the new company name
Thanks TShirt!
will review
I'll review it later tonight.
Hope it goes well for you fromwhat I've seen it got the right stuff and a great name
And thanks to the artist Michael, he really helped me out with some great ideas, and polished up the artwork nicely!
but wow it's great
I like that it kind of throws you with portrait or landscape.
Oh, did you like landscape mode, which is what the game is in? Not sure what you mean?
It's easy in the beginning of the game, but gets very hard towards the end. I have only beaten the game myself 3 times
will review!thanks for the code
Will review!
An update was expedited to fix 2 minor bugs in 7 Second Arcade, so here's some more promos, enjoy!
remember you writing about this ages ago....looking forward to it....9.9Mb, was that a target you had to keep it under 10Mb, I think you can now go up to 20Mb and still download it on 3G/Edge
So more room for more games one day...
will leave a 5* review , and feedback on here.
scored 18, on my first attempt... ? (could of tried harder me thinks).
plays real smoothly on my 3GS, like the fact that whilst its loading you can read up on what the game is about. Makes Pro status more tempting.
Will leave review in a bit.
Feedback: (trying to be helpful)
Really only thinking of ways to add game polish, the gameplay is already spot on..or so says my little mind.
Create nicer looking countdown clock, in corner right, either create the needed digits in photoshop, so they look smarter, with a stroke, drop shadow or something. Or perhaps a stopwatch which counts down (that's what I've added to my current game in the making)
the text on the loading screen, although useful, slightly hard to read with the gradient on the way it is....(but obviously fine as is, just a small thing that could be quickly tweaked).
Be nice to see the buttons, change in scale, or colour when pressed....
Look forward to seeing it in the top 50 later this week.
I really appreciate any feedback GS users can give me and will in no way be offended by constructive criticism
I agree on the clock... I was thinking simple would be better, as in earlier versions of Wario Ware, but I may just go with a better looking one graphically.
I didn't want it to distract from the game since it requires concentration, but now that you've pointed it out, I will definitely work on that
Agree on the text in the loading screen and will work on that too
I thought the instructions were a nice thing to put before loading the game too, especially since I don't have a company logo yet for Beansprites, so I thought it was a time saver so people don't have to go through the menu to read them
Thanks on the feedback and reviews! Really appreciate it!
Just played it for about 10 min (on my iphone 3g) and what iv noticed is that its a little to slow for my liking. and some of the challenges are kinda boring but some are so awesome that they should be made into a game separately! Good work, i really enjoy seeing a game thats going to go far
I think that challenge and speed is relative.
I myself am a hardcore gamer and can almost beat this game every time, but I was trying to cater to all gamers, kids to adults, so everyone has a fair level of difficulty, so while the beginning is very easy, the game does progress, and so I've been told, it has a pretty good progressive level of difficulty, which is what I was aiming for.
So in a nutshell, I agree, and disagree with you
I agree that it's probably easy for a hardcore gamer that owns every gaming system know to planet earth ie: ME!
But for the general, or casual gamer, I think it provides enough difficulty to keep peeps coming back
Appreciate the feedback nonetheless!
Thanks for the kind comments!