Need help! Trying to get bounce right
I have almost finished my game and Im correcting a few problems.
I'm making a game similar to doodle jump, and my problem is when my Actor bounces to another platform the actor takes two bounces to get back to the highest bounce. I'm trying to get the actor to bounce the same height every bounce.
If anyone has any ideas to help me get the bouncing right I would appreciate it.
Best Answer
domenius Posts: 108
Interstitial ad display seems to have a profound effect on timers and interpolate functions played directly upon scene load, especially in the viewer. If you wrap those functions in a short timer (or self.time>0.05 for the performance hungry) it seems to help. Sometimes though, ever since 0.93, these functions seem to really mess up, especially interpolates. I've seen interpolates in my project not fire at all or wait until the end of their duration and then "snap" to their intended position. Always use an adhoc build to gauge performance, the viewer is liable to do a bunch of weird stuff. Hopefully GS is looking into the timing issues.
yes thank you this has helped me,
also my game seems to lag a bit sometimes when I'm in pre view would the interstitial ads display on the viewer effect this because it seems to be ?