I'm very interested in the Windows GS version, too. I use Windows 90% of the time and would appreciate GS in that environment, so much. I signed up on Saturday and I'm still waiting for an email, too. I hope to get one soon!
A hackintoshers dream this is I would assume! This is awesome news as my Mac Air exploded on me a few months ago looking forward to it! And finally finishing some of my projects that I had to recover from my hard drive! Gimme gimme
Ok...tested the creator a little bit. But i can't save any projects...when i click save as, i save it on my desktop. Then i close the creator and want to open the saved file, but i can't!!! --- Benjamin
@GLGames - As I said, they're sent in batches...patience. Sending again won't change anything - in fact, it might put your email at the back of the line. :P
@themoonwalls@soldsnivy What the moonwalls stated is exactly what I meant, I was NOT being derragotory to PC users, As stated if you invest in a Mac just for game developing, Then it is for sure if your willing to spend that sort of money that you have ambitions straight however, with pc's because of the low price point it could mean that we're just gonna get game dev wanna be's and template publishers.....
Oh My god, I don't know what to think of this... This means more business for GS, But it also means some of the windows crowd... I don't know I half like and half dislike this I have no idea what to think of this.. I guess it means we get even MORE kids ------ But again thanks GS team for pushing the development race forward and accelerating with your product
What's wrong with people who have a PC? We're not like pretentious jerks just because we have a black box that says Dell on it.
Hi mate! I think that Leonard had something different on his mind: to use GameSalad you had to buy a Mac computer (it is a huge investment if you don't own a Mac). If you are ready to invest this kind of money, that means that you have ambitions, and you are mentally ready to join serious game developing business. Most of people owns a PC computer, and as GS is available for Windows, you don't have to make big investments to start making apps with GS (I'm not counting GS Pro membership, because it's very cheap), so there will be many "game maker-wannabes", kids who want to play in a game designer, and others. This doesn't mean that they won't be serious enough to develop games professionally (I'm sure that there will be many serious devs using a PC), but logically there will be higher percentage of "game maker-wannabes", and kids.
Hey guys... Just letting ya know that I am in batch número nexto. So ya But just finished my setup for Dual boot... Excited to get started on some work and publishing Such an exciting year for GameSalad so far!
Currently, game project files can only pass from Windows to Mac, not the other way around. We've already worked out a solution to this issue and it will be included with GameSalad 0.9.93 for Mac, expected to launch very soon.
I'm a young lad still on .91 or something like that of gamesalad... pre gamesalad taking out the GameSalad logo and adding the PlayHaven or whatever... anyways... can I work on projects in the Windows Creator and open them in the pre PlayHaven version of GameSalad I have on my mac side?
I'm a young lad still on .91 or something like that of gamesalad... pre gamesalad taking out the GameSalad logo and adding the PlayHaven or whatever... anyways... can I work on projects in the Windows Creator and open them in the pre PlayHaven version of GameSalad I have on my mac side?
As far as I know, you still can publish projects with old GS version. And so far, you can't open Mac projects in Windows Creator.
Got the beta today. Can't find anything in the email where we can give feedback on this. Or will there be a dedicated thread for it? Love the new interface, but there are some workflow things I would like to address.
Yeah I'm trying to test Gamesalad on windowns, but it is very difficult since I can't reopen any of my projects. I already said that in a couple of topics, but I'm not sure if it is the easiest way to do a feedback...
I was so excited to use Creator for Windows because I have experience with drag and drop interfaces for PC (Scratch) and also because I don't own a Mac. But I didn't read the forum and accidently installed on XP instead of 7. So I tried to install on my 7 but my antivirus detected a "harmful file" and deleted Installer whereas I had the same antivirus on XP and that didn't show. HELP!
This is awesome news as my Mac Air exploded on me a few months ago
Gimme gimme
Will try it out as i'm home
EDIT:Can I install the creator on so many pc i want with my serial code or just once?!
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What the moonwalls stated is exactly what I meant, I was NOT being derragotory to PC users, As stated if you invest in a Mac just for game developing, Then it is for sure if your willing to spend that sort of money that you have ambitions straight however, with pc's because of the low price point it could mean that we're just gonna get game dev wanna be's and template publishers.....
Dziękuję za wyjaśnienia, co i wego
Sorry - My apologies, was just replying to the users comment
But just finished my setup for Dual boot... Excited to get started on some work and publishing
GS-Team, you guys suprise me again this year with this news. Absolute amazing stuff.
(Fall again in love with GS
And so far, you can't open Mac projects in Windows Creator.
Really glad this happened which means i can now delete my frustrating hackintosh software and gain my precious 60 or so GB's
I really hope that flash game websites start HTML5 because I hate working with stencyl there community is half-rate compared to this community.
But yea! Thanks Gamesalad