Doodle Spin is #69! Coincidence? I think Not!
OK so it's #69 in the Music Games section which is probably not very competitive, but I'm still excited!
I'm posting a quick youtube video soon. I'll post the link. Here's the link to the 69th best Music Game :->
I'm posting a quick youtube video soon. I'll post the link. Here's the link to the 69th best Music Game :->
I love 15-year-old humor!
"this is a dude who, 700 years ago, totally ravaged China, and who, we were told, 2 hours ago, totally ravaged Oshman's Sporting Goods. "
By the way i forget to review that when you out it out so i just did
sorry scitunes i get mixed up sometimes
We've moved up to 58 in top paid on the iphone appstore!