WooHoo! StarKeep was just approved...

... just now (3/10/10) and on my birthday of all days. First app!
Anyway, should I set the release date on it to tomorrow (3/11) or for something like Friday (3/12)?
I'll share details in a bit since the family is hungry.
Anyway, should I set the release date on it to tomorrow (3/11) or for something like Friday (3/12)?
I'll share details in a bit since the family is hungry.
And you gotta love LINK. Even when given the option to change his name, I always leave it as LINK. Just seems right.
I generally don't like fantasy games. Unless LINK is in it...
Sorry. I'm unbearably wonderful. I'd LINK to a pic of me choking on someone else's vomit, but that'd be just a LINK too far..
PS - congrats!
PPS - and now I realise that there's no LINK as you've not set a release date. And I feel fragile and exposed. Like Princess Zelda.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Thanks FMG and QS!
Yeah, no link yet to share. It's approved but it's yet to show in app store, even Australia.
So do I set my "release date" for tomorrow (i.e. the day after approval) or for Friday? Or is it just going to use today's date and show in the listings for whenever the 10th's stuff show up!?
So I'm guessing tomorrow will be fine (as it will still probably use 3/10 based on things I've read as of late). I guess the key is to use a date (the one you set) that is after the approval date and not accidentally have it set before the approval date!?
Nervous about screwing it up (even though it won't make much - basically a learning experience for GS and the app store).
What kind of game is Starkeep? I like the name, and it's obviously sci-fi so I'm all in
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The game is a spin (har!) on an arcade classic. It was mainly a "get to know GS" exercise and to see what GS could handle. I don't suspect it will sell too well since there is another homage to the same arcade classic (not to mention it is in the "action" and "arcade" categories of "games" - ouch).
I think this game really pushed the GS engine/pipeline in its current version (0.8.3). The actors' graphics are not really intense. The performance affecting pieces are:
If I crunched all the time it took to produce into nights of four hours of work each, it was probably a little over two week's work. However, with family life, I'd often go 2 to 3 days without being able to work on it, so it was stretched out to over a month. :-(
Anyway, here are some promo codes for those of you with the 3GS, newer Touches, or an iPad (in case someone reads this later on and there are still some left ;-) ):
[ The screenshots are in backwards order...I re-uploaded them in the correct order so hopefully that will be reflected soon. I guess you upload them from last to first for anyone still not having done so yet. ]
Looking forward to some of my other ideas that I think will sell better than this little diddy.
The app appears to be available in the Aussie app store now. U.S. and others likely early in the AM sometime.
[ Oh, and I suck and have no patience for artwork/design on a PC. :-( ]
Will play and review soon!
Plays great on my 3GS, great sound effects!
Left a review
I really like this game
the atari vibe and getting the guy in the middle reminds me of playing yar's revenge as a kid
@QS: I think the cat is out of the bag, err, the sheep is out on the range with macview's reply.
@TinyM: centipede controller...is that a spinning wheel controller? Yeah, I was wondering about that. A little swipe action just might work and it pertinent to another arcade classic I was thinking about implementing (after some non-arcade ideas). Oh yeah, I remember Yar's Revenge...
@Others in general:
Do you think the hardness is a bad thing?
I'm loving the sound effects too. They remind me of a game that always stands out in my mind in terms of audio (as it was the first game with a subwoofer): Major Havoc
@Others in general:
I did want to add an earn an extra life at X many points and maybe some power-ups like double-firing, a shield, warp, etc. but I also just wanted to get it out. I thought those additions really wouldn't change its popularity (or lack thereof) much.
There was a glitch that showed up once when testing where the score appears to be written twice - only offset - making it unreadable but I was never able to re-create it so marked it up as a GS fluke.
Actually I don't need any more help getting brought back - between my friends and me, we have about 40 classic arcade games and pinball machines! Total nerd city...
Centipede uses a trackball controller, btw.
Tempest uses a spinner controller. Another classic vector game!
And I actually played an original dedicated Major Havoc machine pretty recently. It's extremely rare. That game uses a special controller as well - a left-right roller controller. Kind of like rolling a locked-in-place beer can.
Most Major Havocs were sold as kits that fit into Tempest machines, so they use Tempest's spinner control.
ANYWAY, I think you did a great job with the game!
The only thing I wish were a little easier, would be the controls. This is more of an iPhone size issue though. The buttons were such, that I had to keep looking at them to make sure I was pressing the right button. I am always busy monkeying with the buttons instead of focusing on flying the ship.
If you make an iPad version of this, and you should!, I think it would be cool to have a large fire button on the right, and on the left would be a special "triangle" type of controller:
Imagine a small circle trapped in a triangle. You would put your thumb on the circle. And you would still only rotate the ship left, rotate right, and thrust. (up would be thrust) It would still be a 3-way digital control, but the circle would move in an analog fashion.
You would never have to lift your thumb though, and you could focus on the action.
Does that make sense?
You and your friends' collection sounds awesome. Where do you house them all? Do you have a website featuring such? You ever go to that classic arcade convention in Cali? I'd love an old Tron unit (the multiple mini-game one not the Deadly Disc only one).
You are right about trackball for Centipede. I was actually thinking as I typed that that the Centipede could go up/down in the game so I don't know why I left it as I did. Probably because I remember Tempest used a similar controller but I recall that only being left and right around the shape.
I need to go make me a Stunt Cats - yeah, purposely mashed together - type game in terms of successfulness (and awesomeness)!
And yes, my score is currently doubled up visually?
EDIT: oops. now it is ok. i'll see if i can replicate it.
EDIT: could it possibly be from getting a bunch of points, and at the same time completely destroying a vector ring (thus losing points?)
EDIT: It seems like the only way to create that doubling up is to have one score be larger than the other ( as the text is centered?) so one score has one more digit than the other?
EDIT: yes, that is when it occurs. when a vector ring is destroyed. at that moment the score sometimes doubles up.
EDIT: Yeah, I just played the first level about 20 times just inching up to the outer blue ring and wailing on it being careful not to hit the green ring. When I destroy it all, I get the double score so it is evaluating two of series of nested if-thens for left zero padding the score. Likely a bug and may need to not left zero pad. Let me tinker.
EDIT2: Okay, it is a GS bug I think. After setting the "display text" to various static values (like "A", "B", etc.) in the nested if-thens, an if and then something in its otherwise (i.e. further in the nested if-then construct) are BOTH being executed! Yikes!
I realize that you're probably done working on the game though! Star Keep 2!
My one friend actually restored a barn on his property and turned it into an arcade:
I haven't been to California Extreme yet, would love to go!
I am from just outside of Philly, there was actually an upright Tron for sale last week on craigslist not too far from here. 150$. Gone now though...
Yeah, there is a GS bug with nested if-then type constructs. I had to wrap a bogus condition around my final otherwise as it fired even if something earlier in the chain fired. May need to create a test project to see how many levels of nesting it occurs at (currently, I am five deep...six if you count the bogus one) or whether it may be an odd-even situation in terms of token parsing.
Be careful folks with nested Rules behaviors.
I officially have my first update now I guess! :-)
If you can go to the forum link here and download a promo code that is an app for birthdays!
Also if you do get a chance to download a code please comment on the forum about it or leave a review:)
Cheers, Weswog
Will give it a spin on the way home from work!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io