Goin Nutty - www.goinnutty.com
Hi all,
Well after 7 months of working on my game FINALLY Goin Nutty is up on the App Store.
Its a simple, challenging little game where you take control of a little squirrel and try to eat all the nuts as they fall out of the trees.
You can find out more at http://www.goinnutty.com or on the appstore at: http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/goin-nutty/id355245823?mt=8
Mark White
Well after 7 months of working on my game FINALLY Goin Nutty is up on the App Store.
Its a simple, challenging little game where you take control of a little squirrel and try to eat all the nuts as they fall out of the trees.
You can find out more at http://www.goinnutty.com or on the appstore at: http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/goin-nutty/id355245823?mt=8
Mark White
Hope it is a huge success for you.
Keep us posted on your app store performance.
PS: Website looks great too!
Congrats, hope it does well
Oh and i forgot to mention i made some free wallpapers and popped them up on www.goinnutty.com
I'll keep you posted on the stats when i get my first report and will post some codes when i get a chance too!
I really like your artwork, and your marketing and website are top notch. I've kept an eye on your blog since you first mentioned it a month or so back, so I was looking forward to how your game came out.
Just a little feedback that I didn't leave on iTunes: I wish there was a little more going on. The game is lovely, and plays smooth, but it just doesn't seem like much to do after a few moments of gameplay... unless there is some variations that I didn't get to. I guess what I mean is, there are so many tilt/catch games that it just didn't hold my interest.
I would suggest adding a little spice to liven it up. A great example of taking a simple game and really spicing it up is jumples:
In my opinion the use of sound in jumples took a simple jumping / platform game to the next level for me. Jumples also has beautifully rendered artwork, but the designer didn't stop there. I think your game could benefit from some variations.
This is just my opinion, I do like your game and especially your style. Best of luck with it, and I'll be looking forward to your next one.
Thanks so much for purchasing and giving me such a good review!
Also thanks for the feedback... I'm definitely going to try and improve the game through future updates so any feedback is very important thankyou!
And I really like that example Jumples.
I'm downloading it now!
Here's a few Promo Codes too. I'd really appreciate any reviews that you guys could give me in the app store!
Thanks to everyone for there support so far.
I'll update soon with stats on downloads (its saying there's a back log at the moment so i cant view them yet).
Left a 5 star review, great job Mark! Hope it does well for you.
nice graphic!well done!all the best for your sales!
left a 5 stars review too
I took: RTRRH33NR3E7
question, are u pro member? I noticed that the 'made with game salda' logo comes up after loading first screen...did u do that on purpose? kinda ackward that u include that when most of us (express) want it removed ;~)
So far in the app store I've had 40 downloads! Which is really cool. To advertise the game I have so far just posted info about it in 3 forums. Gamesalad, Touch arcade and iDevGames.
I'm going to try some more promotion out soon and will let you all know how it goes!
rdcube: thanks for the comments, yes i am a pro member! The reason i put the Game Salad logo into the start of the game is that I want Game Salad to do really well. The more successful Game Salad is, the better, as Gendai Games can then make it even bigger and better than it is for us! I too didn't like it in the express version just because it was used as a loading screen which i think people who download your game will find confusing. That,s why using the pro version i have my own Goin Nutty loading screen and then i brought the Game Salad screen in after.
Thanks everyone,
I hope you game starts to grow much larger in numbers, don't forget to spread the love on facebook and twitter as well.
if you could rate my game I'd be very appreciative:)
NexusGameStudio: Great! Thanks for the support and tips! I added it to the fingergaming forums so hopefully that will help! Its a challenging game to promote as its target audience would be more of the casual gamers market. I shall keep plugging away and let you guys know if i come up with any other ways to promote it!
chosenonestudios: Thanks so much for the good review! The clouds is a good idea... little things like that would be nice to update in the game, now i just have to figure out how to loop moving images haha! I will definitely check out your game, thanks.
tekkendp: Thats awesome that you bought it thanks a lot for the support.
ejsgame: Do you mean new & noteworthy? That would be awesome! I just had a look but can't see it... that could be because i'm from Australia so I might get different results than you. Are you in America? Thanks for the update though!
Really appreciate the great feedback from everyone so far, in particular about the graphics which i put so much thought and effort into.
Mark W
After my first week of selling Goin Nutty for 99c i had about 50 downloads. I think about 15 were from free promo codes.
Yesterday was the first day I could see sales after Goin Nutty made it into the New & Noteworthy section and sales jumped up a lot. Yesterday alone I sold 44 copies of the game.
I'll keep you posted, also if anyone has any tips from there own experiences with being featured in the N&N I'd love to hear them eg. Should I keep Goin Nutty at 99c? Do the subcategories have a big effect on the sales?
Mark W