We are getting close.
If all goes as planned...we will have BDX up on the GS web for all of you to test drive as early as this week. We have all 4 game modes working now and most of the game play elements are in place.
What remains is a wrap-up of sound, some animation firing switch debugging, game time clocks, and a few minor misc tweaks/enhancements.
Keep an eye on the forum boards this week for more information.
If you haven't seen the previews...you can get a sneek peek here:
If all goes as planned...we will have BDX up on the GS web for all of you to test drive as early as this week. We have all 4 game modes working now and most of the game play elements are in place.
What remains is a wrap-up of sound, some animation firing switch debugging, game time clocks, and a few minor misc tweaks/enhancements.
Keep an eye on the forum boards this week for more information.
If you haven't seen the previews...you can get a sneek peek here:
It has some great classic style arcade action and a lot of depth!
We can't wait to get it up to the app store and see how it does.
We're planning $1.99 for the release price.
I actually own a full-size Super Sprint arcade game (with the 3 steering wheels!)
The game is EXTREMELY fast now (FPS) and so far bug free. BETA (placeholder) Sound is nearly finished and nearly all game play elements are in place.
Only thing left is rebuilding (again) the "Bad Guy" bumper and installing a time clock.
Once we have that ready...we should be able to push the BETA release to GS web.
Beta release is now delayed due to the Navy wanting their stuff asap (my paying work). Hopefully early next week we will have beta up on GS web.