Editing .APK in Corona or Eclipse after publishing with GS?
Can you open the GS generated .APK in Corona or Eclipse to plugin an API?
I unpacked it in WinRAR but it had a GS structure and couldnt find the main.lua type files anywhere.
Is this possible?
I unpacked it in WinRAR but it had a GS structure and couldnt find the main.lua type files anywhere.
Is this possible?
Best Answer
mynameisace Hull, UKPosts: 2,484
This not only terminates the forum rules, but also Gamesalad's terms of service.
Sorry guys.
This discussion has been closed.
Long story short, my extra poking around managed to confuse me further and found a few posts stating it is not possible to modify an APK yet...so i guess I'm looking for confirmation as to whether it is possible or not
Thanks all