How to make money on Android
Hey all,
Publishing on the Android store (google or Amazon) for free limits your revenue sources.
a) Kiip only seems to work with North American clients
b) Playerhaven only works with iOS
So, I thought about creating my own splash page that would link to some affiliate link like the Linkshare for iOS...
Does anyone know any such program that would give us a few cents to link to paid or unpaid apps that wouldnt require an API?
Publishing on the Android store (google or Amazon) for free limits your revenue sources.
a) Kiip only seems to work with North American clients
b) Playerhaven only works with iOS
So, I thought about creating my own splash page that would link to some affiliate link like the Linkshare for iOS...
Does anyone know any such program that would give us a few cents to link to paid or unpaid apps that wouldnt require an API?
Best Answers
youngster9 Posts: 326
Currently there is no monetization methods for android as far as I know. So I would make a game that is good enough to be paid for otherwise you will need to port it to iOS. Also unless you are a pro member there are no special monetization methods other than making a paid app.
youngster9 -
LiquidGameworks Anchorage, AKPosts: 956
Yes, the Android market sucks, and without admob, it is hard to target it. However, you're forgetting two excellent Android based markets for which there are still eager buyers. Amazon and Nook. Both those stores are excellent places to sell apps. -
Janitro Posts: 1
Hello guys, I just wanted to let you know that making money in Android is possible. I've been doing some research about how it can be done and with all that knowledge (gathered from all kind of sources) I wrote a guide with all the steps needed to make money with Android. You can check it out in my site: Cheers! -
GLGAMES SingaporePosts: 988
Regarding amazon app store, anyone encounters after putting a lite version n paid version of the same app, and then changing the paid to free. There's no download to the full free version at all but instead all downloads continues on free lite version?? i tried to stop lite version from sales but it just keeps getting downloads instead ....
i'm getting nervous. any suggestion on how to sell android app???
But honestly the nook and fire seem to be the best android options.
a) From what I understood the Android market is not as easy to charge for since there is no iTunes-like setup. So I believe that many people look to use ads to monetize. Is Penguin Glide on the Android market?
b) I also didn't realize that ads were considered gimmicks. It is a viable method of monetization just like lite versions of games with IAP to unlock full game.
Does anyone else have any suggestions for the Android Market?
Interesting point: I put up 2 apps on Android to test a market and got 15,000 downloads in 5 days. Since I used GS, I dont have any ads to support the other smaller apps I want to put up that will cumulatively get 100k or more in downloads over the next 30 days or so. If it were a Corona build, I would have integrated Inneractive or AdWhirl to maximize fill rates
What affiliate program do you use?
Thanks for your input
Although, my strategy might be different than yours. I'm basically promoting products... like my sound files and books. I'm not sure if an affiliate will appreciate generic text links or being embedded in an app from a web page. If you don't follow the rules, you might not get paid...
...that's a story from years ago, but the lesson can still be helpful today. Force-fitting ads in an Android app might not be such a good idea.
I'm currently not using any affiliate programs at the moment. I was using LinkShare, which was a fairly successful project, but my web development work has taken priority.
I thought about releasing BOT and Arch Fiery as free games on Android (and on iOS with Achievements) but AdMob is not supported. I've used AdMob in the past and I was pleased with the results. But without AdMob, I wonder if there is enough justification for the $299 investment in a Pro subscription. With iAds, it's simply not enough revenue. I'm not sure if Kiip and PlayHaven can do the job.
Cross promoting your own games/apps is ideal especially if you have critical mass. But I'm not there yet. Do you know if anything like Admob is in the pipeline for GS?