Amazon App Store Fail, Fail, Fail
Just requested Amazon to remove my app from their app store.
I posted the app about 2 weeks ago, and in the first 8 days gained 16 sales. That's nothing significant, but I was pleased.
Then someone posted a very negative comment and gave the app 1 star, and sales have stopped completely.
This is despite the fact that the reviewer isn’t doesn’t have "Amazon Verified Purchase" next to their name, so it seems unlikely they’ve actually used the app. It seems clear that it was a competitor.
Regardless, I really don’t feel the comment was warranted, since it seemed to focus on only one relatively minor aspect of the app, and even then wasn’t really correct, implying that the person hadn't used it.
I asked Amazon to moderate feedback from unreasonable anonymous reviewers, but they’re unwilling to help. Anyway, I’ve now told Amazon to pull the app.
Needless to say, I’m really very disappointed with Amazon. If they’re unwilling support their developers, then it’s a waste of time bothering with their app store.
I made $24 from the sales, but I guess that Amazon will keep this, since they don't make payments until $100 has been achieved.
I posted the app about 2 weeks ago, and in the first 8 days gained 16 sales. That's nothing significant, but I was pleased.
Then someone posted a very negative comment and gave the app 1 star, and sales have stopped completely.
This is despite the fact that the reviewer isn’t doesn’t have "Amazon Verified Purchase" next to their name, so it seems unlikely they’ve actually used the app. It seems clear that it was a competitor.
Regardless, I really don’t feel the comment was warranted, since it seemed to focus on only one relatively minor aspect of the app, and even then wasn’t really correct, implying that the person hadn't used it.
I asked Amazon to moderate feedback from unreasonable anonymous reviewers, but they’re unwilling to help. Anyway, I’ve now told Amazon to pull the app.
Needless to say, I’m really very disappointed with Amazon. If they’re unwilling support their developers, then it’s a waste of time bothering with their app store.
I made $24 from the sales, but I guess that Amazon will keep this, since they don't make payments until $100 has been achieved.
That's actually one of the things I do like about the Amazon market - the fact that you can sort of interact with customers through those review threads.
I've had great success on the Amazon market, it has great potential. I'd hate to see you give up just because of one bad review.
Firemaplegames -- I did respond, but the person hasn't come back to me. I even offered to answer any questions to resolve the problem, but nothing. I don't want to give up, but sales have been a big fat 0 for the past week, after doing OK in the first week, until the comment arrived. As I said to Amazon support, I don't want to be involved in a market where anyone can say anything, no matter whether they've bought the app or not. That is just absurd.
Besides that... I know what you mean with the Amazon store. The trick is to sign on to your friends amazon accounts and just leave yourself a bunch of good ratings to out weight the bad. People that don't like a game are way more likely to complain than those who do like a game to leave a review. So if you want to give yours a shot you pretty much have to make fraudulent reviews lol.
Besides that... I know what you mean with the Amazon store. The trick is to sign on to your friends amazon accounts and just leave yourself a bunch of good ratings to out weight the bad. People that don't like a game are way more likely to complain than those who do like a game to leave a review. So if you want to give yours a shot you pretty much have to make fraudulent reviews lol.
He got his point. why so upset about it?
Secondly, it's really quite hard to understand what the person is referring to in the app. There are 7 modules, but s/he seems to have focused on one, and even then not gotten the right end of the stick. If they'd actually bought and used the app, they'd have seen that for themselves.
Thirdly, there's nothing in their review on which to base any improvement. It's just a rather mean spirited "this is a piece of unredeemable crap that isn't even worth $2". Perhaps I'm just disappointed that humans can be so shitty when veiled behind a cloak of anonymity.
Most irritating though is that Amazon is allowing someone who hasn't bought the app to kill it dead. I'd have hoped that they'd support new developers, and it's clear they don't.
I hate to say it, but you have to develop tough skin, and not read too much into people's reviews.
Granted, some of them are helpful, and even though some of them can sound mean, I try to read them constructively, and from an unbiased perspective.
It's easy to become emotional when reading reviews, especially 1 stars, but don't take it personally, and don't pull your app over one review.
Good luck to you!
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BTW what's it called? I would like to try it and see why that 1 guy hates it.
The reviewer does indeed seem to have missed the point and the critique isn't valid, because no - I cannot open a random book and get a plot outline or fictional character generated.
One thing I would change is the text that says "your random X is..." after generation. It devalues the generation - sure, it's "random", but it's not non-selectively random at all - and perhaps the person who wrote this review got stuck on that word too.
Your character is..
Your plot is...
P.S. Maybe add "plot device" generation to it?
Try to notify writer websites about it.
All the best!
You do have to have a thick skin in this business. The 99¢ world is full of critics. If the comments are legitimate then use them to make improvements.
Realize users forget they should just comment on what the do not like or do like about the app and that is it.
I have read reviews before I buy an app and want to see if the app works as described. I don't care if the user feels it is boring or a waste of money, tell me why. Use your opinions wisely.
Don't give up because of a bad review.