7 Second Arcade coming next week to the iphone! Wario Ware Minigames!

I wanted to share a quick video I made of an upcoming game that will be released some time next week!
I'm doing the finishing touches, and have been working on this one for awhile getting it all polished and ready to go
The inspiration comes from one of my all time favorite game series, Wario Ware.
I remember purchasing the first installment of Wario Ware on the GBA, and remember being wowed by the unique graphics, and fun gameplay, and how I didn't want to put it down so I could finish the whole thing!
As fun as this one was to make, I'm glad it's coming to a close!
How many minigames are there?
In just 7 seconds!
Looks very good! Nice one!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@ Greg and Quantum! I've worked so hard on this game and hope it pays off!
I wish I could have programmed the mini-games at random, but heard that's really hard, so it's linear based, but there is a goal
The 3 mini-games are Sweet Drop, Zombie Smash, and DreamShooter
Sweet Drop, is basic, just touch the sweets on the screen but avoid spikes, and beat your high score
Zombie smash is a car game where you smash zombies, but avoid oil slicks, red zombies, and blue cars, and try to beat your high score
Dream Shooter is an old school type shooter where you shoot as many enemies as you can to rack up your high score, and avoid clouds and obstacles that spawn later
I must say, I'm proud of this game, and have spent a ton of time polishing it up, so hoping it sees a release next week!
I also switched to a company name which is now known as "Beansprites LLC"
The migration takes about a week so looking forward to that and getting a website up!
I'll keep you posted! I'll be adding more mini-games since now we have the 20mb download limit on the go! Timing couldn't have been better!
Side question(s): Where you able to switch your current publisher name to "Beansprites LLC", or did you have to create a new account?
The unlockable mini-games are separate from the game itself, and you basically play to beat your high score
No it was super easy!
I called itunes connect and they sent me a link via email to switch my account over
They had me fax one business document proving the company exists, and called me the very next day to confirm the transfer, so the process took 2 days in all
Now itunes connect just needs to update and transfer my legal name over to the company name which they said could take up to a week
Easier process than I thought so if anyone is thinking of doing it, it's not that scary
But it would be nice to know that for future reference!
Like (I presume) you did, I hard coded all my 'next scene' links - I realised once I'd finished and was more familiar with GameSalad, I could have had an actor that is activated at the end of the level and that could contain all the 'next level' logic in a large Rule statement. Much easier to maintain and test.
You could do something similar with a random 'next level' value?
Not sure if the bit N would get pissed if you mentioned it outright. But seeing as how the Mario Sound Board app is out there blatantly collecting moolah, I dunno.
@ rebump: yea I was thinking about what keywords to use, and in the description, I was thinking of saying "inspired by Wario Ware" but not sure if I could get into trouble for that... I don't see how that would hurt anything so long as I'm not stealing the big N's graphics
[I have now used my allotment of exclaimation marks today! oops! Dang.]
I did use the term "inspired by" in my first game Endless Apples, and it was featured in new and noteworthy... So I guess they didn't mind back then! It's still in there too.... so one never knows
First awesome game. You seem to have put as much into 50 game as some people do in just one!! nice job
I think linear is a better way to go. half of the battle is memorizing the attack..
If you do add random i suggest do something like story mode and a quick play option with somehting like 5 random games fired at you.
just my opinion
The other game "Endless apples" didn't have an inspired by in there... now where's that other cup of coffee?
Thanks TinyMonster! I really poured a lot of time into this game, so hoping people love it
As for linear gaming, great to hear that you think that's the way to go... that's how I looked at it too... the player can keep trying the game b/c they'll know what to expect, and eventually beat it
Quick play mode is a great idea as well as storymode , I'll keep that in mind for an update!