Game approved and ready for sale... but not on the store
My game was released yesterday according to apple. I can find it in a search but not in the category pages on iTunes. So if random people around the world search for the seemingly random and purposely misspelled phrase "Memorcise Redux" I'm golden. If not, I'm screwed. By the time it really does hit the store, which I'm guessing will be today it won't be on the front page but page 2 at best.
Anyone else experience this? Is setting your own release date a better option than letting Apple pick it if it doesn't guarantee it will hit the store that day.
Anyone else experience this? Is setting your own release date a better option than letting Apple pick it if it doesn't guarantee it will hit the store that day.
What's the name may I ask? Anyway sometimes/seldomly it takes apple about 1 day to properly put it on the app store..
@mynameisace Yea... That's what I've done the last few times... Apple just piss me off with release dates...
App availability issues? They are talking in circles. That's apple for your app will be up when it's up.