Mature user forum
Public enemy number one here to defend his I wish gamesald would introduce a forum section for those who use GS as a business tool and as others have pointed out, paying for pro does not define this category. I've cut back on answering questions that can be found with a simple google search. I constantly see people asking question after question that are answered in the videos. I'm all for helping people but sometimes people need to help themselves. The old teach a man to fish.... I would love a place where advanced mature, in attitude and work ethic, could work together to develop ideas and exchange business advice. We're I can chat with people who actually read the iTunes developer guide and know how to do business without sorting through the how to I add music posts. There is so much good material for gamesalad learning, almost more than any development community, and people are just too damn lazy to put in the work themselves to learn. Now, before the usual suspects jump on me, I'm not talking about asking questions on more complex problems as we all seek advice on better ways of doing things and complex code et... I know a lot of the more advanced users are growing wary of answering questions that are well documented so before you say "this added forum idea will lower participation, it's already happening as I see more and more questions sit unanswered for days. I believe the idea's generated in this other forum would be posted and shared with the community. But I should also say while this is a great open community, we are also all competitors, there are some discoveries I don't share as to keep my competitive advantage. So go ahead pile on I can take
No further was this demonstrated than durring the Grammy's, when shortly after Paul McCartney performed, the whole of twitter (mostly under the age of 16) expounded their ignorance for the world to see by asking, "who the hell is this old fart'. It's fine not to know, but it would have taken less energy to type the name into a google search. Then they could have known who he was.
As for what to do here? I don't know. I don't think GS is interested in creating a new section to the forum, or allowing all pro members into the linecook program/board. Search did seem to work better when I used it yesterday.. but maybe I'm just delirious.
Or a yellow sticky with all the links (if there isn't one already...), moved near or up to the top regularly.
I can't see any sort of segregation working in these Forums personally, for instance the "maturity"/age one; would we all have to show birth certificates?! And tick a checkbox to say: Yes, I am over 18 but under 40 but I'm really quite mature for my age..." "And I promise not to ask any basic questions, especially those that have been answered at least 5 times" ;-)
The pro forums - as has been pointed out in other threads - will never contain 100% pro users; buying pro doesn't suddenly make you brilliant at GSC, or know all the answers (or make you mature).
I know I enjoy helping people out if I can (and sometimes help myself in the process) as I know all you guys do too, otherwise you wouldn't! Maybe part of it is to bite the bullet and plough on...
iPad app: End of the Earth –•–
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Ultimately, it is my goal (and @SSS) for the community and forums to be a positive environment where developers can learn from each other and share development experiences. I believe that forums are for both new and seasoned members to share information and build each other up.
However, I agree that while educational resources exist, there does exist a set of users who would prefer to receive quick and easy answers (aka the "repeat offenders") via the forum, as opposed to wading through the materials themselves.
Currently on the forums, we have stickied threads that led to Salad Solutions (weekly answered user questions and tutorials) and a Useful Links thread (showing users 3rd party resource sites). In addition to these areas, we also have GameSalad Cookbook which now has a robust set of tutorials, videos, and quizzes. Which is the perfect starting place for a beginner looking to learn basic information.
I agree with @gyroscope that more could be done to push the newer members of the community to those resources. It's that old "teach a man to fish" lesson. I believe that as a forum moderator (and similarly for Sous Chef/Line Cook and seasoned developers)- it is our duty to help show newer members where to find this information. Instead of ignoring or being frustrated with repeat questions, let's steer new members to resources where they can learn for themselves. Hopefully, this will provide an education foundation for them and the next time they ask a question, it will involve a deeper set of incisiveness. For example, "I was watching the TshirtBooth video on XYZ and didn't understand ABC."
I hope we can continue to foster a spirit of helping and learning in the community.
I'm all for Pro members having their own section, even though I'm not a Pro member. But it will without a doubt, cause disdain amongst the community, and again it doesn't guarantee a professional atmosphere, but It wouldn't bother me at all, personally.
I'll do my part to help direct new members to the available information, instead of feeding them tiny bits of information at a time as they post beginner question after beginner question, or just outright ignoring them.
I want our education resources to be top notch and for people to fully understand where to find this information. Feel free to place suggestions for Salad Solutions tutorials- in this thread:
And if you would like to author any guest posts, hit me up via PM with your ideas and info.
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If in addition to that users would be able to block/remove certain sub-forums from entering their 'stream', I think a lot of problems people are having with communication here would be fixed.
Then those with PRO feature questions could post there.
ALso maybe more specific forum categories. Not sure what, but maybe:
Sounds issues (already have I know)
Graphics issue (already have I know)
Game Play
I think the idea of a pro forum is a good Idea, Obviously I, myself am not a pro user so would not get to use it, but I can see no other alternate way for it to be decided you would use it
ok I'm kidding. ^_^
that way everyone will have the same info
This would be great for people thinking about buying the PRO version and want
to learn more about using it.
Just make it so you can't post untill you have enough xp and it reminds you you don't have enough if you try to post and directs you to the tutorials where you can get more
Pro forums where we (non-pro members) could read and learn, without adding redundant questions.
Or, what if forums allowed a minimum number of comments per month for non-pro, and unlimited for pro-users? Might encourage beginners to look around before posting.
and have an account for a year would not mean they are good at game salad
but a limit post count for non pros will be nice
Those who are not yet 'Pros' are to one's who generally need more help, the corollary being they will likely ask more questions, if you limit the amount of questions someone who is learning is able to ask you simply slow down learning.
I think you might do well to avoid a punitive element to this planned hierarchy, instead of limiting (or otherwise hindering) those new to GS, you should instead reward those who have been around a while and are prepared to help out.
What does the 'limit post count' refer to ?