anyone ever had trouble with looping audio still playing after a game is exited?
Not music, but sound... in a game where there is music playing but behind it all i have a looping wind sound going. I had one user on their motorola triumph report that each time they back out of the game, the wind looping would keep playing..
Make sure t submit a bug report. I'll forward this thread but to fully investigate they will prob need your project file to see whats causing it.
I can understand how it could be a function not often done... but I do think its something worth addressing if possible. if its a bad idea to loop sounds, might just want to remove looping as an option.
also the piece for what its worth is a longer wav... not a 1 second loop.. more like 1minute wav. in case that's a possible issue as well.
but this issue is not a problem on iOS.. so far as i can tell its perfect.. its specific to android..
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also if you're having this problem with android like i am.. be sure your music is a play music behavior and not a play sound.. my issue is only with looping "play sound".. not quitting a game with "play music" looping..