★ iFall - Out Now ★

Hi folks,
iFall is here! I am planning on doing regular updates and currently organising the content which will appear in these so send or post back here your ideas for new features or touches you would like to see and it may well be added!
iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ifall/id355771878?mt=8
If you have any feedback or need to get in contact feel free to post back here in the forum or visit my website: http://www.triggergames.co.uk
I am planning to do my very best to respond to all of your feedback and improve the game to its best. Do your best to leave a review as I would greatly appreciate it, even if its just a star rating!
This is my second game made with GameSalad, my first being Trouball, enjoy.
Kind regards,
Josh Kahane.
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iFall is here! I am planning on doing regular updates and currently organising the content which will appear in these so send or post back here your ideas for new features or touches you would like to see and it may well be added!
iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ifall/id355771878?mt=8
If you have any feedback or need to get in contact feel free to post back here in the forum or visit my website: http://www.triggergames.co.uk
I am planning to do my very best to respond to all of your feedback and improve the game to its best. Do your best to leave a review as I would greatly appreciate it, even if its just a star rating!
This is my second game made with GameSalad, my first being Trouball, enjoy.
Kind regards,
Josh Kahane.
Promo Codes:
I will review tonight or tomorrow. Thanks.
Cool game! Love the guy in the suit, very cool! Left you a review, great job!
RWPN6WTN4TR9 was already gone..
Will give you a good 5*review in a bit...
(P.S. feel free to try and answer my 'cant change scene to main menu problem :-)
the only thing i would say to fix is the speed of the guy when u tilt sometimes u need to move and he does not move fast enough. and the little lags like every once in a while it lags and i dont have time to move.
i got to 200 lol lots of fun
as above, need to improve tilt controls, but the touch ones work well. I guess most people have played Doodle jump so would expect it to work in the same smooth way. Maybe have it so he can fly round screen (if it does'nt already?) .Cool idea for a game. Other feedback if you want it...trying to be helpful.
Rotate your company title screen when loading, as GS splashscreen is portrait it looks weird having the company name in landscape.
Love the drawing of the falling business man on the main page, he looks maybe a little too degraded in the actual game don't know if you can reduce the line thickness on the in game graphics. Options screen is very useful, but maybe have a toggle button on the main screen to turn on or off tilt controls, so people are aware they have an option, be useful until you can perfect the tilt controls.
Music is good, not sure if you could get something more fitting, and maybe have a moving background when he is falling. Have you downloaded 'F is for falling'....?
I can easily rotate the company splash screen, good point.
How would I make it so that he can fly off one side and come straight back on the other?
I see what you mean about the in-fame graphic for the man, it was a very hard part of making the game as at that size keeping detail was very tricky. I will try and reduce the thickness of the line, see how it looks. EDIT: Just took a look at the graphics in Photoshop, at that size/resolution I can reduce the black line any more sadly as its juts a pixel thick just about all the way around.
Good idea adding controls option to main menu.
Music, yep I have a review rom Australia saying its all good but the music doesn't fit. Its darn hard finding the right kind. I will keep looking but for now I think its ok. However I understand completely where you are coming from.
Thanks to all of you here who gave some feedback, I am still looking hard for some new music but also racking my brain for some ideas for 1.1 now.
look forward to the update
Thats why you guys have to give me all your ideas!
If you get a chance, check out mine (Food Fight!) it's free:
I have had a burst of ideas. So I have the next couple of updates worked out, just have to make them now.
- Clouds
- Control settings shown at main menu
- Rotated TriggerGames Splash Screen
- Loop around screen (Go off one side some back on the other)
- Drastically better tilt controls
- Wind which blows you of course
- Power Up Indicator. You will start flashing when your power up is about to run out
- Minor performance improvements
- Moving obstacles
- Booster Power Up! This make you burn up as you shoot down at high speed destroying obstacles in your way and giving you a burst of points.
- Point Bubbles - These don't appear very often so keep an eye out as they will give you more points.
- On-screen guidance to show left and right buttons
Well done!!