how do i upload my app to app store for approval? Says "Waiting for upload"... where?
I'm sorry if this has been covered somewhere, i'm just ready to submit my app.. i got the pro license.. i believe the game center stuff and other pro stuff is all in order now..
I think i heard something about xcode.. but i'm not sure how that would work.. i never could get the iOS previewer to work for me.
Do I need to use the distribution provisioning file instead of the development provision? I tried it and it seemed to give me an error in game salad..
sorry i'm just soooo excited to get this game finally submitted after working on this game for a couple months.. thank you in advance!
I think i heard something about xcode.. but i'm not sure how that would work.. i never could get the iOS previewer to work for me.
Do I need to use the distribution provisioning file instead of the development provision? I tried it and it seemed to give me an error in game salad..
sorry i'm just soooo excited to get this game finally submitted after working on this game for a couple months.. thank you in advance!
A lot of developers face this problem. You need to download the update version of xcode.
After this-->
1. Create an App ID and download this ID
2. Create a provisioning file for you game, and download, THEN drag this into xcode
3. Create a distribution certificate for you game, and download
4. Launch GS, click publish
5. You must select your provisioning file in GS publisher
6. Click Advanced Options, from there you MUST use the Bundle Identifier you created in itunesconnect. They Must match.
7. The rest are simple details that you can finish.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask
1. i have an "app apple id" a 9 digit numeric code.. when you say download this ID? isn't it just a number or is it a kind of "provisioning file"?
2. i'm assuming this is the developer provisioning file? how do i drag it into xcode? When i open xcode it wants me to start a project, but i don't know what project to start.
3. is there anything special about the distribution certificate? i made one and downloaded it and put it in itunes like the developer provisioning file
4. done this many times using developer provisioning file fine.. so, check
5. ok when you say select provisioning, do you mean the developer or distribution provisioning file? I can compile fine with developer, but the distribution one gives me an error saying (after it brings up the download file screen) "could not code sign becaues there is no developer identity matching the selected provisioning profile"..
6. checking advanced options i see the matching name in there (i can't edit it, but it does match what is on itunes connect next to Bundle ID
7. i'm sure they are simple here.. but i guess since 5 gives me errors.. at what point does the app itself get uploaded to the app store and by what means? do i do it through xcode somehow or in the itunes connect web site?
Thanks so much for helping me with this.. i'm really excited!
2. Once you have clicked download, press the magnifying glass to locate the file in your, "Downloads Folder". Once there click and Hold the file and drag it to the xcode symbol, release and xcode will automatically install this. Don't worry about any additional features with xcode, it's irrelevant to publishing with GS.
3.Yes, a distribution certificate is very important, it enables you to publish. Each of your games must have a unique certificate.
4. -
5. Is very important, the provisioning file is different to the bundle identifier. Your Bundle identifier and Provisioning file must match in itunes connect and GS publisher. When you launch GS publisher, there is an option that says: "Provisioning File". You click the drop down menu, and select the provisioning file for your Game.
6. That's great, because this is very important.
7. After these steps it's simple in GS publisher ie) adding screenshots, youtube video etc. You must create and download the certificates from itunes connect, and match them up in GS publisher.
What I can see is that you have not installed your Provisioning file in Xcode it is very easy, review Step 2 again.
Again feel free to ask me more questions.
1. ok thanks for verifying that.
2. ok that makes sense.. however it seems that it doesn't like my distribution provisioning file ZenHopperDistribution is my distribution one.. the other is a developer provisioning file.. i'm not sure what they mean by "valid signing identity not found"
3. i seem to be having trouble here... as you can see here. (disregard "big test") like above.. i just don't know what the issue is.
4. -
5. This is also a little confusing.. but i hope my screenshots help as referenced above.. its like.. itunes likes my developer provisioning file fine, but dislikes my distribution one.. and i can't figure out why.
6. -
7. so does Game Salad do the actual uploading to the app store? is it because (when i get it to work) use a distribution provision rather than developer that GS knows to upload it to Apple?
and again.. thank you thank you thank you for your help.. i'm confidence once i can get this to work.. i'll have a much better time publishing more stuff in the future..
2. It is important you drag your provisioning file into xcode. Provisioning file is the problem. Put the file into the xcode application.
3.Maybe you have to change the distribution to an adhoc. Make sure xcode is full updated.
4. -
5. I was supposed to say, NOT different. Your bundle identifier must be the same, in itunes connect and GS publisher. No need to address this step anymore, you have correct. The problem would be with the provisioning or distribution file.
7. You need both the distribution certificate and provisioning file. After you can get pass verification, GS publisher will give you a file. You will then have to compress this zipped file, and load "application loader". Then you drag, and complete. We can address this later.
Also when the error, "Valid signing identity not found". Where is this occurring, what program, and when is it occurring what process? GS or xcode?
I do have one other question about the compiling / publishing options.. I have already uploaded pictures and info to iTunes connect.. what happens to all the information i entered into GameSalad? will those overwrite the files i already have on itunes connect?
ok ok one other last big question.. so i'm "this" close to being ready to submit.. i am waiting on official / quality screenshots from a graphic designer and one more in-game graphic.. once i click publish.. what happens if make changes? how easily can i replace those 5 place holder screenshots with better ones before it goes live?
1. It is not important to enter the information in GS. The ONLY important thing is to have the same ICON, and Make sure the Game name is the same in itunes connect, in GS publisher.
2. The screenshots you put in GS publisher will NOT appear on the appstore. It is important in itunes connect. You can edit your screenshots any time in itunesconnect.
Once you click submit in itunes connect you will need to compress the file that GS Publisher gives you.
Load "Application Loader" locate the zipped file GS publisher gave you. Then click submit. From there it will automatically upload, you will then receive an email from apple saying that your game is "Waiting for review". Then after 2-3 days it will say, "In Review". Finally it will say, "For Sale"
I hope it works out, the MAIN problem may come when you use GS publisher.
You probably need more help, again feel free to ask.