Android Publishing - Keystore problem
Hi there,
I generated the keystore file using this command :
keytool -genkey -v -keystore pballs.keystore -alias pballs -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
When i publish on gamesalad, i select the keystore file, all the locations are valid, i enter a name, etc... but i can't verify my password... when i enter it and click on verify, nothing happens.
What i'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help
PS : Screenshot
I generated the keystore file using this command :
keytool -genkey -v -keystore pballs.keystore -alias pballs -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
When i publish on gamesalad, i select the keystore file, all the locations are valid, i enter a name, etc... but i can't verify my password... when i enter it and click on verify, nothing happens.
What i'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help
PS : Screenshot
Btw not sure if it still is but last I tried yesterday it doesn't make the apk's correctly so you wouldnt be able to post anyways. Let me know if you get that error (it will pop up after you hit publish and select where to put the apk)
Now gamesalad ask me a portrait picture in the options, why not landscape? (my game is in landscape and i need to run it on a android tablet)
Edit: also moving this thread to android publishing.